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I have a problem with my brother in law from time to time threatens my sister with divorce if she talks to her own mother. My brother in law sometimes accuses my mother with solicited sexual relationship with men with out any proof what so ever. This has been going on long enough and I tried to ignore it. Im really fed up please giving me a ruling on.. More
Salam alaikoum, My husband is very strict with me having friends. He does not like me to talk to people if he does not know their husband. He keeps telling me that I have to be careful about who I choose as friends or they can lead me to hellfire. I understand that. But, he is extreme about it. For example, he wont let me visit one of my friends who.. More
If my wife cheats on me and I don't find her and Allah conceals her sins in hereafter, can I choose to NOT marry her in hereafter, because I don't want to live such a wife forever. Is this possible? If I get into Jennah, can't I wish me to know everything, what has happened in the world and get away from my wife or do I have live with her Forever. I.. More
As Salaamu Alaykum warahmatullah, I have a question: I am quite strict with my wife related to the opposite gender that if I hear her talk about unrelated males I become unhappy and tell off her. Reason why is because I feel as a good Muslim husband I should make sure she is not in contact or talking about un-related males. I love her a lot and can't.. More
I would like to relate my problem in the hope of receiving your response as quickly as possible, for it is a serious matter. I have a brother who is living in France; he got married only last summer, and my other older brother, who lives in France as well, was the one who recommended the bride. These days, my married brother faces a very difficult situation;.. More
I have been married for more than five years. However, I lead the most miserable days in my life with my wife because she is infertile and has a bad past. Moreover, she is not regretful for her past sins. Rather, she is regretful because she did not do such-and-such of sins and she declares that. I thought that she was mentally disturbed and I would.. More
A woman teaches one of her sisters how to treat her husband, how to please him and which words should be said to him, such as ‘you are the apple of my eyes’ and other expressions. Noting that she uses a polite style and does so out of giving advice for the Sake of Allaah and to help her sister to be an affectionate wife according to the Hadeeth.. More
How could my husband know that I love him?.. More
There is a man who wants to compel his wife to watch porno movies with him though he knows that such an act is unlawful. He gave her the choice either to watch with him or to divorce her. However, she insists on refusing this act in spite of the probability of divorce. Should she obey him in doing an act of disobedience to Allaah?
May Allaah Reward.. More
Assalamo Alikum wa ramat Allah wa barakatuh, I need to know whether I can ask my wife for her sins when I am not with her because she refuses to answer me when I ask her if she did any sins when I wasn’t with her because she doesn’t want to uncover her sin. My wife is a recent muslim since about 4 years ago and she is living in an European country.. More
Assalaam alaikum My husband is my parents' paternal cousin and unfortunately, they do not get on well with each other. They are always having petty and meaningless arguments and I am caught in the middle. My husband hardly talks to them or visits them and when they visit us, he is very cold toward them. If I say anything, he gets angry with me and says.. More
Assalamu alaykum,I hope you can help me with an issue I have regarding my husband; We married a year and a half ago (Apr 2012) but we do not live together yet as was agreed by both of us; I still live with my parents. He lives very close to me (5 min drive) and I regularly visit his home to keep him company and fulfil duties that a wife should fulfil.. More
Respected Sholar, I would like to get an answer for the below question as soon as possible. I am a working lady and mother of two kids (health condition not that good). All my earnings of these many years is given to my husband who take cares of us and love us but spend a lot on his family. Now my mother is really upset with all these especially when.. More
I am an American Christian marriage to an Egyptian Muslim. I am not too familiar with Islamic religion and custom but I am trying and willing to learn. My husband and I are beginning to have problems in our marriage regarding money. I feel that his money should be spent on me first then if there is anything left over then he should send some home to.. More
Is it obligatory for the person who has acquired religious knowledge to teach it to others and to encourage good and forbid evil? Are the parents or the husband entitled to prevent their son, daughter or wife from encouraging good and forbidding evil?.. More
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