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5672 fatwas

  • Children's Responsibility When Wives Work

    Assalamu alaikum shaikh,if wife stipulated conditions prior to the marriage that, she will continue her job/work & husband agreed to that then she married him for this reason. In that case , is husband obliged to provide their kids with care during wife's work hours by keeping him/her in child care centres /nursery/day care centres / preschool centres/ali.. More

  • Swore That his Wife Be Divorced if He Does Something

    Assalamu alaikkum I made the oath as my wife will be divorced whenever I do a particular thing I did it once . Will my be divorced whenever I do that thing or only at once. .. More

  • Not Telling Children They Have Siblings in Different Countries

    As-Salam alaykoumI know somebody related to me who doesn't tell his older children they have brothers and sisters in different countries. Mind you the oldest son is 25 years old and he doesn't know his siblings nor the wives of his father. His father never explained why.Is this permissible in Islam? .. More

  • Loves a Married Woman and Wishes to Have Her in Paradise

    Salam. if a person love someone and wanted to marry but in this world she/he married to other person, what will happen in heaven will that person love and desire to marry same person or his desire and love will be removed. .. More

  • The Wisdom Behind Sacrifice of Eid Al-Adh-ha and Aqeeqah

    السلاك عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهA Christian is asking how does sacrificing an animal at Eid-Adha get one closer to Allah?He is also asking for the reason for aqeeqah, why is it done? Is it similar to the Jewish Passover?Please reply very soon .. More

  • Permissibility of Marrying Paternal or Maternal Cousins

    Can you tell meWhy does Islam allow 1st cousin marriage.Hinduism and Sikhism do not allow it why does Islam?? .. More

  • Her Husband Does Not Spend Time With Her

    Assalamualaikum. I have some questions and doubts which I want cleared. Namely being an ungrateful wife. I wrote before and this is a follow up question. I tried speaking to my husband and whenever I mention to him about his mistakes or ways he becomes defensive and says I am being ungrateful. He says why I love the dunya so much and want to satisfy.. More

  • Fell in Love Through Social Media

    I seek your advice concerning a complicated situation. If a girl met an honest man and exchanged some emails with him in which he expressed that he is fond of her and that he is willing to continue his life with her. She was in an unenviable whether to tell her family that she fall in love with a man from outside the family or to continue with the man.. More

  • Sinned With a Young Man, Repented and Wants to Marry Him

    Al salamu allukumDoes god forgive sinners even during/after punishing them?me and a friend of mine who are met in university have fallen in love and we promised to get married and we told our parents and they asked us to wait for after graduating. But we have sinned and weren’t patient and now his parents are not accepting me because of my family’s.. More

  • Volunteer Work that Involves Mixing with Men

    Assalamualaykum. I have been looking into volunteering for charitable organisations and want to get experience to get a job suited to me. I don't know who I would be working with beforehand e.g. males/or if there will be khulwa and i am shy to speak to the person in charge about such things especially non- muslims. For a current role I applied for,.. More

  • Dispute With his Younger Brother

    Me and my younger blood brother r involved in a business as equal partners,due to his wrong decisions v incurred heavy losses and now v r in huge debts,inspite of that he blames me and feel jealous of me. How to deal with this brother. .. More

  • Her Husband Suckled from her Mother

    I kindly Ask you to answear my question as a whole family depensds on finding this problem out. Almost 30 years ago a sister married against her fathers will. The reason was that the brother she wanted to marry had been breastfed by her mother more than five times, as she used to babysit him. However, her father had no witness for this statement, as.. More

  • Retaliating Against Husband's Beating

    thank you for allowing me to ask another question. my question is can a woman leave her husband (divorce) if he beats her in the Islamic way or hit him back .. More

  • Women Must Learn Obligatory Knowledge

    Assalamu alaikum shaikh, some people claim that "woman should not be allowed to study the deen past the point of basic knowledge, for fear she will use her knowledge against her husband." Can you kindly clarify has it any basis ? are women not allowed to learn about her Islamic rights ? Allah grants women those rights but many men(whether he is husband,father.. More

  • Unclear Question About Divorce our country local language-e or o meaning-‘ that.” During a divorce thought.if anyone said e or o.also ‘ame”meanig ‘I”(i am).my question is if anyone said ‘ame”(here not only utter ‘e” but when utter ‘ame”, than’e” pronounced, to indicate ‘e”) during a divorce thought.uring read sura ‘e”also utter.. More