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5672 fatwas

  • Cannot Be a Good Obedient Wife

    Assalaam alaykum, I have an issue with obedience. I am a married woman, and I have noticed that I'm finding it difficult to be a good obedient wife. I find that when I argue with my husband I may walk away from him due to anger and annoyance and he will call me and tell me to come back which, due to my state of anger I don't return to him and ignore.. More

  • Being Fare When Gifting Children

    Assalamalekum. My father in law who is alive has three children - two daughters, one of whom is married to me and a son. All are married. My mother in law is also alive. My father in law had a property ( other than the one in which they are living) which was purchased by his own hard earned money. This property was sold off about 6 years ago in rupees.. More

  • A Female Giving a Presentation In Front of Men

    I'm a student to a local Sheikh in my area who does not neccessary follow the majority of jurists. He invited me to the masjid to give a presentation. In the masjid, he made sure that there was a barrier between the men and women. However, when I gave my presentation, I was presenting in front of the men. Most of the men are in their middle age. I looked.. More

  • Criteria of Talking to Non-Mahram Women

    As salaamu alaykum. If a female is speaking to a male for a necessity, how should the male speak to her? .. More

  • Waiting Period if no Intercourse Happened

    Assalammu Allaikum Sheikh, my friends daughter was given in marriage one and half years ago and lived together and recently due to a incident between them her parents came to know that they are not living happily and their parents inquired from her further she have told even they lived together in the same house they have not had any sexual intercourse.. More

  • Conditions of a Valid Marriage

    Assalamualaikum..2yrs back, I married my cousin secretly in the presence of qazi, lawyer, and two witnesses (my friends).After that she went back to her city and we hadn't met yet, we r connected via texting and calls only.Her parents were against this relationship, so we didn't told them about our nikah as we were waiting for the right time.Later,.. More

  • Her Husband Is Unable to Have Intercourse with Her

    Assalamualaykum..I have been married to a cousin of mine on April 8 2018. Till date he is not able to have a physical relationship with me ( I don't know the reason if it is a health issue or not as he never speaks on topic even though I have tried speaking he has always avoided it). After a month I have come back to my parents home. He is very careless.. More

  • Divorce in Menses or Purity After which the Husband Had Intercourse Is Effective

    Aslamu Alaikum,After C section of my child birth my Nifaas (blood) didn't stopfor 65 days. I asked my doctor why my bleeding is not stopping. Doctor checked me and said may beit is due to the Fibroid that you have on your uterus or due to your hormones (I got diagnosed with fibroid before my pregnancy). Doctor alsosaid, let'ssee if it stopped after.. More

  • Hiding Some Matters from the Family

    Is it true that if you have a family who are not devoted Muslims and restricts you to do certain things, that involves Islam where Allah is directing you to do things that will help you to get closer to Allah you are obliged to inform your family on whatever occurs in your life? How about if you know your family will call you offense names such as Kharjwas,.. More

  • His Wife Does Not Want to Return to Him

    My parents lied to me that wife & her family wants khula, i was critically ill at that time but wife got one divorce from me at time she was expecting. Later on family got me married somewhere else. When i found out reality i tried to revive the relationship with her but now she says i gotten married so she dose not want to marry at all not with.. More

  • Married Her After They Committed Zina

    Salamualikum wr wb. My wife is pregnant after about 5 months of marriage. Before we met we were involved in Zina. We repented and we got married. After I married I had doubts about this marriage, is it valid or not, because one of the witnesses did not pray and also we did not wait for the required time to make sure she was not pregnant. My question.. More

  • Ill-treatment from the Mother and Family

    My question is about my husband's family treatment towards their son. He is 61yrs old and his mother likes all the other sons, grandsons more than us, even though we are far all our life from her she still has this hatred towards us.She has this soft corner for her sons & grandsons a lot. She wants us to send her only money so that she can make.. More

  • When Can a Husband Divorce His Wife after Menses?

    Aslamu Alaikum,I have a question.When is the iddah period starts (prescribed period for divorce) if one has intercourse with his wife in period of tuhr?Dear sheikh if husband has a sex with his wife and she has not gotten her menstration yet then what is the right time to divorce her according to Quran? Is it after her first menstration which will come.. More

  • Spied on Her Sister Through a Friend

    I am not sure if this is waswasah but I was talking to my sisters friend online and I think brother told me that my sister listens to music so I asked her friend. It didn't cross my mind that I was doing something haram. How do I repent? Must I tell my sister about this? .. More

  • A Suitor Who Does Not Meet Her Expectations

    There is a guy that is asking to marry me, he is good in general and my parent accept him because they're afraid no one better is coming. The problem is I don't feel comfortable, to be specific i feel very uncomfortable for many reasons that i cant even express, I made a lot of prayers but that feeling only became more vivid. I tried to ignore the fact.. More