Assalamu 'alay kum: What is the ruling on the game of dominoes? Is it permissible, allowed, or disliked? This has become a major issue at one of the masjids, where the brothers, after praying 'Isha, play this game in the masjid well into the early morning, but leaving before the Fajr prayer and thus not praying it in congregation. In addition,.. More
Assalamu alaikum. We the undersigned have honour to state you that the Sonari Maszid is an oldest Maszid of Sonari town (Assam). but it is regretted to note that the Maszid building was built over a land measuring 6 katha which has not yet been alloted authentically in the name of Maszid Committee.The entire 6 katha land was originally owned by Govt... More
What is the difference between the “Khulwah” (seclusion) and “I‘tikaaf” during Ramadhaan?.. More
Bismillaah Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatuhlahi Wabrakatuh! It has come to me that soem from my community got together in the local masjid and commited much Gheebah and slander about me. They then decided to go to the Imam and request that I no longer be allowed in the Masjid. The Imam then went to my husband and said I am not allowed there. What is.. More
Assalamou alaykoum,what's the ruling of organizing "barbecue" to raise money for a mosque?.. More
what is the status of nasheed in islam. can a nasheed program be arranged at mosque without any music.. More
Asalamualaikum! I am a convert muslim from India, tamilnadu. here in our place i see a board in mosque, written as those who does not wear a cap, placing hands over the chest and whoever do not follow any of four madhabs is not to be allowed inside the mosque. is this how it was during prophet(puh). are they correct in their messages. can i pray behind.. More
assalamualaikum if i write word of mosque replacement of word masjid are its sin coz so many people said that ,,Please try not to use the word "Mosque" for "Masjid" as it is derived from Mosquito by jews plz tell me what to do jazakallah khiar.. More
In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Gracious. May Peace and God's Mercy be upon you. Dear scholars of Islam. We are muslims living in the West, in Norway, but unfortunately, we're facing problems regarding the maintanence and funding of our local mosque. The rulers of the mosque has decided to take in money for paying down the mosque's debt from.. More
assalamo alaikom I live in England, We are going to celebrate the party of eid-aladha in 3 weeks and the imam of our mosque doesn't want to do it in the mosque, and the reason that he is giving us is because the mosque is a holy place and it will loose it's respect if we do such thing inside it.He prefers to hire other places to celebrate the joy of.. More
Dear scholars, praise is for Allah the almighty, my question is about the masjid and particularly the constitution of the masjid / name of the masjid / focus of the masjid. The masjid closest to where I live is owned and operated by a body called 'Xxxxxx Religious Foundation', where Xxxxxx is the name of a nationality, e.g., Iranian, Turkish, Lebanese,.. More
Please help me to know that if a person knowingly or unknowingly enters the masjid for prayer having after night fall (Sperm) and without bathing (Ghusul). What is the rule, please reply. Assalamualaikum.. More
There is a new masjid which has recently been built in our area which has a replica of the ka'aba's door in front of the area where the imam stands for prayer. The masjid is decorated extravagantly. Is this allowed?.. More
Assalamu alaikum: There are a group of muslims who work as cooks and cook pork in diners. they are buliding a majid. the Imam works at Olive Graden where they also serve alcohol. he too cooks pork. these poeple know that what they are doing is haram ,yet they are asking to support the masjid financially and otherwise, by attending it and participating.. More
Is reading a Hadeeth in the mosque Bid‘ah (religious innovation)? If not, what is the ruling on those who forbid it?.. More
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