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2408 fatwas

  • Leading prisoners in Friday prayer - Praying Friday prayer twice

    I am appointed as an imam for prisoners for the Friday prayers. This is usually on all fridays. Praying the Friday prayer in the mosque is more rewarding, so will I get the same rewards although we do the Friday prayer in a classroom or a yard? The atmosphere is not the same. As an Imam, what are the rewards for conducting the Friday prayers. Sometimes.. More

  • Doubting omission of letter in Faatihah in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. The last time that I prayed the Maghrib (in congregation), I am not entirely sure whether in the third rakah (unit of prayer), in the Faatihah, I pronounced ''Ghairil MAdoobi'' or ''Ghairil MAGHdoobi''. Most likely, I pronounced ''MAdoobi''. Do I need to repeat that prayer? .. More

  • Saying ‘Allaahu Akbaar’ instead of ‘Allaahu Akbar’ in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I need a clarification on the ruling of saying ‘Allaahu Akbaar’ instead of ‘Allaah Akbar’ during prayer because I sometimes hear some people, while praying, occasionally say ‘Allaahu Akbaar’ instead of ‘Allaahu Akbar’. May Allah grant us Paradise. .. More

  • Praying behind a person who does not pray regularly

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a 23-year-old does not regularly pray (some days he does not pray at all) and his father asks him to lead the prayer, especially when they pray at home, can he lead the prayer? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Performing Fajr prayer before its time is impermissible

    Assalaamu alaykum. I pray that this finds you in the best of health. I am a revert, alhamdulillah. I live with my non-Muslim family, and they do not exactly support my decision to become a Muslim. My problem is with the Fair prayer. I am afraid that they will kick me out or retaliate if they catch me praying, and the Fajr starts after everyone has woken.. More

  • Reciting Al-Faatihah behind the Imaam

    When Ataa ibn Yasaar, may Allaah be pleased with him, enquired from Zaid bin Thaabit, may Allaah be pleased with him,concerning reciting behind the imam, he replied, “There is no recitation whatsoever behind the imam.” [Muslim, vol. 1, pg. 410] Jaabir, may Allaah be pleased with him,mentioned, “There is no prayer for the one who does not recite.. More

  • Eating or drinking before making up missed prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. When one misses the prayer due to oversleeping by accident, is it halal to drink water before praying? And if it is permissible to drink water due to thirst that might distract from prayer etc., is it permissible for them to eat food also? .. More

  • Praying while holding in wind

    Assalaamu alaykum. In most of my prayers, I feel like passing wind, so I do hold it in sometimes and continue my prayer, especially when it happens too often. I do not have any medical issues that could cause that; I prayed about this, but it seems to be more of a psychological issue. I always feel guilty about holding it in because when I ask about.. More

  • Pausing in prayer to regain concentration

    I try to focus in my prayers, but the problem is that sometimes my mind goes elsewhere and I then try to get back in concentration. Doing these activities, I sometimes understand that I have reached the end of the prayer while not having been concentrating. So is it permissible for me to pause sometimes, like five to ten seconds, during the prayer,.. More

  • Using visual aids in Friday sermon

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My question is the following: Can I use pictures/images or any visual aids about my topicto show to the attendees while I am delivering the Friday sermon? Kindly answer my question according to the Islamic point of view. Thank you, and may Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Praying behind a Christian without knowing that he is not Muslim

    I prayed behind someone for about eight months but later discovered that he is a sponsored christian who has some knowledge of Islam. He was never muslim. What is the status of the prayers that I prayed behind him? .. More

  • The imaam delegating someone else to lead the people in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykom brothers in Islam, my questions are the following: 1. Considering the fact that the Prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam, andthe four Caliphs did not delegate others to lead the prayer, is it in accordance with the Sunnah to delegate another person to lead our prayer instead of the Amir/Imam of the community? 2. What should.. More

  • Burping whilst reciting al-Faatihah does not invalidate prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to ask about burping whilst reciting the Faatihah during prayer. I was praying behind my imam when I felt the accumulation of gas in my throat. I ignored it and while I was reciting the Faatihah, I felt it release and even heard it. I was reciting the Faatihah not completely silently but with some sound, and the burp sounded.. More

  • Pronunciation mistakes in iqaamah do not invalidate prayer

    What is the ruling on the iqaamah when someone is saying hayya alassalaat instead of saying salaah or salati (and then continue)? .. More

  • Why Al-Albaani named pointing with index finger between prostrations innovation

    In his Silsilah,Al-Albaani declared pointing between the two prostrations to be an innovation for two reasons. One of those reasons was that "the report from Abdur-Razzaaq is weak because Al-Farayaabi was the only one to report it from Sufyan and he had weakness in his old age, so perhaps it is from his weak reports." Al-Albaani could not confirm that.. More