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2408 fatwas

  • Position of hands in prayer according to Imaam Ahmad

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. What is the position of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal on the following matter? Where should women put their hands in during the prayer, on their chest, like the Hanafis, or elsewhere? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Little uncovered hair does not invalidate woman's prayer

    I have a special hijab that I wear when I pray. Sometimes my hair in the back pokes out through the fabric, not full length hair strands but almost like half a cm of hair. I do not think that you can see it unless if you watch closely. I wonder whether my prayers are invalid when this happens. If they are invalid, do I have to make up for all my prayers?.. More

  • Any pure place is fit for prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read the other fatwas, but I could not get the exact answer for my question. I have a question regarding the prayer. I am a university student, and the distance from my home to my school is 47 kilometers. I take two trains to get there. Because of this, I mostly mis the 'Asr and Maghrib prayers in the winter and the 'Asr prayer.. More

  • Building mosques in Gothic architectural style

    What is the ruling on building Western-style constructions, like, for example, erecting mosques in Gothic architecture style (Lala Mustafa Pasha Masjid in Cyprus)? .. More

  • Hands or knees first in prostration

    Assalaamu alaykum. Shaykh, can you please tell me which opinion was adopted by Imam Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalaani regarding going into prostration with the knees or the hands first. Please reply with the specific opinion of Imam Al-Asqalaani, not others. Secondly, did he regard jalsat al-istiraahah (sitting after prostrating before standing up)recommended for.. More

  • Making non-Arabic supplications in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. With regards to the night prayer in Hanafi fiqh: A. What is the method of making supplication during prayer? In which position? Can one also supplicate in his own language? Please elaborate. B. Does the night prayer time end when the true dawn occurs or when the azan for the Fajr is called? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Performing repentance prayer without committing sin

    If you suffered waswaas (devilish whisperings) that you did a bad deed and it is disturbing you and you prayed the prayer of repentance, is that acceptable or is it considered an innovation? .. More

  • Whether Christians of Najraan prayed inside mosque or not

    Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholar. I have a question. Did the prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,give permission to a group of Christians to do their prayer in the mosque. Is there a hadith narrating this? What is the authenticity of the hadith?Ibn Ishaq said, “Muhammad bin Ja`far bin Az-Zubayr said that the (Najran) delegation came to the.. More

  • Invalid to pray regular Sunnah of Maghrib before it

    Assalaamu alaykom dear Shaykh. May Allaah preserve your health and your eemaan (faith). Occasionally, my family are a little late to pray the Maghrib, so when this happens, I pray the two rakʻahs (units of prayer) of thesunnah of the Maghrib before it because I do not want to miss out on the Sunnah. Is this permissible or am I making an innovation?.. More

  • Women not allowed to call athaan or iqaamah for men

    Islam forbids women from calling the azan and reciting the Quran in the presence of men. Is that true? Can a woman recite the Quran in front of her husband or other male family members? .. More

  • Al-Feel, Quraysh, Adh-Dhuha and Ash-Sharh are four separate soorahs

    Assalaamu alaikum. I recently read somewhere that Surah Al-Feel and Surah Quraish must be combined in the prayer, that they cannot be read separately as different surahs, and that this is the same for Surah Adh-Dhuha and SurahAsh-Sharh. Is this correct according to the Hanafi mathhab (school of thought)? .. More

  • Authenticity of hadeeth about number of rak’ahs in Taraweeh prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read a narration in Musnad Abu Ya’la Al-Musli, hadith no. 4788, in which ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her,said that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,led them three nights in the Taraweeh prayer with 11 rak’ahs. Is this particular narration sound? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Praying while wearing watch on left wrist

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it ok to pray with a watch on your left wrist as you cannot grab the wrist as well? Also, several hundredfish oil capsules contain the same amount of alcohol as a light beer, so one capsule contains the same as a glass of orange juice. Are fish oil pills halal? .. More

  • Praying in shorts that do not cover knees in Rukoo’

    A family member of mine has a question about the permissibility of something in regards to the gathering for prayer. He is aware of the difference between 'izar' and ʻAwrah (body parts that must be concealed as per the sharia), but he wants to know if it is permissible to pray in recreational shorts that cover the ʻAwrahwhen standing but pull.. More

  • Praying on chair in Masjid

    Assalaamu alaykum Shaykh. In reference to your fatwa regarding praying seated in the chair; that it is of two types: praying the whole prayer seated, to place the back leg of the chair in line with the row; and to place the front leg of the chair in line with the row if you are sitting in the chair only for prostration and tashahhud. What I want know.. More