There are 102 articles

  • O Parents! You Cannot Build Without a Model - I

    Dear educator, you cannot build without a model as your child imitates you and follows your steps literally. Hence, when we speak about building faith, we have to speak about a faith-boosting example first. Likewise, when we speak about building the child’s morals, first we have to speak about the moral role model. When we speak about sacrificing.. More

  • Our Father Favors Our Brother Over Us - II

    Jealousy is misery and enmity: Jealousy is common in children aged 1-5 years, but this emotion and feeling may be so overwhelming to the extent that it will disturb the child’s social adjustment. In this case, jealousy is the origin of all the strange and abnormal behavior of the child, because, the jealous child can never feel safe or happy.. More

  • Our Father Favors Our Brother Over Us - I

    A child’s memoir: I was finally born after nine months in my mother’s womb; that dark and narrow place that forced me to stay in strange positions. Later, I discovered that my birth was a happy event that my family had eagerly awaited and my mother was counting the days and getting happier as her abdomen got larger. When I kicked her.. More

  • Advice for Muslim Mothers on Raising Children

    Dear Muslim sister, Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh Raising children is a weighty responsibility and a sublime art that is not perfected by all parents despite its importance and necessity. It seriously affects the children's direction and the formation of their personality. Consequently, it affects their future and their role.. More

  • My Child's Mistakes - II

    In this article, we will complete the guidelines of behavioral change to be followed so that we can make a real change in the behavior of our children, and convince them to help us make that change. 5- Listen to him attentively. In order for the adolescent to tell you about what is in his/her mind, you have to listen to him/her well to the end. By.. More

  • My Child's Mistakes - I

    This article deals with the erroneous parental behavior patterns in reaction to children’s mistakes. The majority of parents react to these mistakes, at the time they are made, with anger and the desire to exact retribution from the child, under the pretext of discipline. This is especially true when the mistake is recurrent, and, more precisely,.. More

  • Hidden Dangers in Raising Children - II

    Al-Ghazaali, may Allah have mercy upon him, said, “A child is a trust with his parents, and his heart is a pure jewel which does not have any inscriptions or images on it. It is susceptible to whatever is engraved on it and inclines to whatever it is inclined to. If he is used to evil and is left like the beasts, he will be miserable and doomed... More

  • Hidden Dangers in Raising Children-I

    We all know that many of us have been brought up in an environment of ignorance --this is an undeniable fact that is particularly true of the present generation. Most of us were raised by parents who viewed religion and religiosity as a superfluous or unnecessary matter, and felt that we should avoid the apparent aspects of religiosity as much as possible... More

  • Mothers, Past and Present

    The mother plays an extremely important role in raising the children during the first years of their life as she remains at home more than the father, and her emotions towards the child are stronger than the father's. Hence, she is dearer to the child than him. Allah The Exalted has provided the mother with a special compassion that is recognized in.. More

  • Keys to Confronting Aggression in Children - III

    Positive emotions are generally stronger factors which motivate psychological activity when compared with feelings of failure. Therefore, this feeling should be developed first, before any other feeling in the upbringing process, and parents must ensure that no gap is left in the child's regular school attendance. Additionally, we should not try to.. More

  • Keys to Confronting Aggression in Children - II

    Fourth: Learn how to manage marital problems No home is free from disagreements among its members, foremost of whom are its pillars: the father and the mother. Since they are human beings, each has his own character and culture that shaped his habits and backgrounds. Everyone has the right to express himself even if it results in disagreements which.. More

  • Keys to Confronting Aggression in Children - I

    People often talk about children's aggressiveness and complain about it, and many of them analyze and interpret this phenomenon to know its causes. However, few people care about curing it and providing practical solutions to eliminate or avoid it. From this point, I will suggest some practical and well-defined methods for curing aggression in children... More

  • Our Children and Prayer - II

    • Accompany your child to the mosque: When your child is able to perform prayer as due, or even is able to comprehend prayer before reaching the age of distinction, you should accompany him to the mosque so as to perform congregational prayers. This makes the child’s heart attached to the greatest educational institutions in the Muslim society,.. More

  • Our Children and Prayer - I

    • “My son does not pray except because he fears me.” • “If I did not remind him of the prayer time, he would wait until its due time had passed.” • “My son only prays to silence my yells. Can you imagine that he does not even perform ablution before praying?” Dear parent, if you are among this group,.. More

  • Are You a Successful Mother?

    It is confirmed, by psychologists that the psychopathic or criminal personality is but a product of an abnormal family environment, as a result of missing the mother due to death, divorce or absence from her children outside the house; or of missing the father for the same reasons, or of missing both parents. Undoubtedly, a normal family environment.. More

Hajj virtues