There are 102 articles

  • Dealing with Mistakes in the Household

    Dealing with the mistakes made by the children or the wife is an art that every father and husband should learn and perfect in order to be able to turn a mistake into a constructive force within the family. Let us suppose that one of the children has made a mistake; what are the Islamic steps to be taken to handle the situation? Many fathers, mothers,.. More

  • Protecting our Children from Lying - II

    How can a mother know that her child is lying? It should be known that lying has many signs that are visible on the child which an intelligent mother could notice, and they reveal it in the same way that is imitated by the following proverb: "The (sinful) suspicious (with his behavior) is about to say (to those who doubt him), 'Take me (as I am.. More

  • Protecting our Children from Lying - I

    The doorbell rang in the house of the grandfather, and four-year-old Fahd ran to open the door. Soon, he returned running and jumping, announcing the visitor to his grandfather, "Grandpa! Shaykh Al ‘Uthaymeen is waiting for you in the salon." The grandfather smiled and asked inquiringly, "Who is it Fahd? Talk seriously." Fahd.. More

  • Common Mistakes in Dealing with Infants

    Mothers are often affected by customs and culture in dealing with their infants. In doing so, they may unintentionally do something that harms their babies. Here we will mention a number of mistakes that some mothers make: First: Using ice to treat a child’s fever. When a child has a fever this means that he has inflammation that may be caused.. More

  • A Very Successful Business Dinner

    It is beautiful to see a child waiting for his father to return home to share with him his food and playwith him. Such a child longs to hear nice stories that would remain with him throughout his life. The father should never neglect this issue regardless of his numerous tasks. Imaam Muslim, may Allah have mercy upon him, narrated, A man sat late.. More

  • Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - II

    Islam realizes the natural inclination toward stories, due to their magical effect on the hearts, and thus, endorses listening to them as a method of upbringing and rectifying. [Awlaaduna Akbaaduna] Stories attract the children in their early years and gain their preference over other types of entertainment, because they leave a clear effect on their.. More

  • Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - I

    A mother said, "I have a friend who is married and has two children, aged five and six. On one occasion when I visited them, she asked her children not to fiddle with the alarm clock that belonged to their father. However, the children did not pay attention to what their mother was saying." Therefore, I said to them, “Would you like.. More

  • Worship Allah The Almighty by keeping your children clean

    None of us can resist the innocence of adorable young children. Once we see them, we take them in our arms, carry, embrace and kiss them, hence, filling ourselves with love and delight which Allah The Almighty instilled in the favor of children. Every time we see them, our happiness is refreshed and we feel pleased. This only becomes perfect when the.. More

  • Dealing with a rude child

    Seven-year-old Faaris spent an enjoyable week with his cousins -- the family of his uncle -- which consists of three boys whose ages range from six to twelve years. When Faaris' father came to take him home, he noticed that Faaris appeared a little more grown up and had acquired greater self-confidence. Faaris was quite eager to return home so that.. More

  • Our children and mistakes

    It is natural for a child to make mistakes, because he is not infallible. After all, the child is a human being and he is vulnerable to weakness, deficiency, fancies and sometimes evil desires. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “All the children of Aadam are sinners, but the best among the sinners are those who frequently.. More

  • Children and Household Chores - II

    How to teach our children to participate in household chores: Parents often use negative methods in teaching their children how to participate in household chores. For example, they address them saying, "If you do not clean the house, I will not let you play; or, if you do not clean your room, I will not give you your pocket money." However,.. More

  • Children and Household Chores - I

    During a holiday: "Ahmad, you can clean the dining room." "Faatimah, you can clear up the kitchen." "Mahmood, you can clean the living room." "Mu’min, you do the bathroom." Children: "Mother! This is a holiday. We want to play with our friends." Mother: "Don't go out to play until.. More

  • Mind your manners in company!

    "Please father! Take me with you." Most fathers hear this sentence from their children when they want to go out. Sometimes children ask insistently or weep to accompany their fathers in their gatherings with adults. Fathers have different opinions about the proper action in this regard -- whether they should take their children with them.. More

  • Culture of the Innocent Child

    One may ask if there is a child who is not innocent, and I would tell you that all children are innocent and have the innate disposition that Allah The Almighty created them upon. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {[Adhere to] the Fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah.} [Quran.. More

  • Bringing up a self-confident child

    · "I do not love myself, for I am not a boy who is loved, nor am I skilled at sports. But who cares? My school marks are average. There are many things that I do not like to do, simply because I do not understand them. I do not like to try to do new things, as they give me feelings of apprehension and fear in my heart. I also dislike making.. More

Hajj virtues