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Wants books on Islamic belief translated into English or other languages


Please clarify are these books written by Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal:
Kitaabun-Nasikh Wal-Mansookh.
Kitaabul-Muqaddam wal-Muakhar Fil Qur'an.
Kitabul-Jawaabatil Qur'an.
Kitaabul-Manaasikil Kabeer.
Kitaabul-Mansikil Sagheer.
Imaam Nadeem mentioned the following books by Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal:
Kitaabu-Taa'tar Rasul.
Kitaaabur-Radd All Jahmiyyah.
If these books are written by Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal then why they are not written in other languages like in English and in Urdu and if they are no more in extent does not this mean that the Muslims failed to save these books of such a learned scholars who are known by there piety and vast knowledge.
One this more Imaam Laalikaee wrote a Encyclopedic book Sharh Usool al Itiqaad Ahlul Sunnah wa'l Jamma'h even this book is not even seen any other language rather than only in Arabic I am mentioning this because when in this situation when Ummah is divided into sects I have seen many people want to know the truth my researching I have seen them fail hearted because mostly books they want to refer relating to Aqeedah they cannot find them in any language rather than Arabic Saudi Arabia claims to be very strict in the matter of Tawheed but even they never translated this book and the books of Imaam Ahmad in English language why is that so as these people are the ones this Ummah can trust specially in the matters of beliefs. What you about this believe me it makes me tired when I search for these books and I can't find them in any other languages rather than Arabic for that. I know I have to learn Arabic but to learn the creed is more important first then learning Arabic Allaah will ask me for the creed as far as Arabic is concerned there is no report in my mind please tell me, I am tired. Can you do something so that these books? Can be published in English from Darussalam or from any other publishers?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.

Imaam Ath-Thahabi may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him in the book he wrote about the biography of Imaam Ahmad and his son 'Abdullaah may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  them doubted the existence of the book of Tafseer attributed to Imaam Ahmad. He said: 'The Tafseer of Imaam Ahmad that was mentioned does not exist, had it existed, the pious people would have endeavoured to acquire its knowledge and it would have become famous.' Ibn Al-Jawzi may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him quoted Imaam Ath-Thahabi: 'Imaam Ahmad may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him wrote the Musnad and the Tafseer, about which you asked, An-Naasikh Wal-Mansookh, At-Taareekh, Hadeeth Shu'bah, Al-Muqaddim Wal-Muakhir fil-Qur'an, Jawaabaat Al-Qur'an, and Al-Manaasik Al-Kabeer and Al-Manaasik As-sagheer.' Ath-Thahabi may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him in addition to the above list, added: 'the book of Al-Eemaan, and Al-Ashribah, and he stated that he had seen one page of the book on Al-Faraa'id.' However, Ibn Al-Jawzi may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him in addition to the above list mentioned the following books: Nafy At-Tashbeeh, Al-Imaamah, Ar-Rad 'Alaa Az-Zanaadiqah (3 volumes), Az-Zuhd, and Ar-Risaalah fi As-Salat, and he commented on the latter saying that it is fabricated (in its attribution to the Imaam), and the book of Fadhaa'il As-Sahaabah. These are in general the books which were attributed to Imaam Ahmad may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him.

As regards the books that were published, according to our knowledge, they are as follows: Al-Musnad, Al-'ilal, Az-Zuhd, Ar-Rad 'Alaa Al-Jahmiyah waz-Zanaadiqah, and Fadhaa'il As-Sahaabah. Concerning their translation to other languages, we ask Allaah to make this easy by trustworthy people.

Allaah knows best.

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