ASSALAM ALAIKUM WARAH-MATU-LLAH Jazakumu LLAHU qhaira for this website. About marring Ahlul-Kitab, Iam dead against it. Yes it is in the quran, but it was so because Arabs used to barry there girls alive, so there was few women than men .Today we have more wemen than men. I have spoken to muslim women in my community who are living with kuffar men why.. More
Salam alk, I am here to enquire about some investing stuff with regards to the interest / profit , A friend of mine is investing in a firm who offers investing schemes like invest the sum of 10,000/- and get returned 4 times double of it after the period of one year from the date of investment, and also many other investment schemes which offers min.. More
assalamualikum i would like to know if its permissible to purchase the property auctioned by the bank. Jazakallahu Khair.. More
I have constructed a new house. Please tell me which date & day is suitable to enter new house ... More
assalam alaikoum Alhamdoulilah I am a good student, I study hard but one day I received the test from a friend who took the test before me, like one day before. She hided it from the teacher she said and took it. She gave it to me and it is very probable that our test will be the same. The teacher does not change it most of the time. I throw the test.. More
What effects does Zakat have on a Muslim?.. More
i am working in saudi arabia.the company provides me my room bathroom and toilet are attached.when i make wadoo or take bath,can i read dua after wadoo inside bathroom,because it is attached with toilet,or i have to wait until i come out of my bathroom... More
I have been recommended the following two books to read to learn about the proper Islamic aqidah: 1. al-Ibânah `an Usûl al-Diyânah by Abû al-Hasan al-Ash`arî 2. al-I`tiqâd wal-Hidâyah ilâ Sabîl al-Rashâd by al-Bayhaqî [edited by Ahmad b. Abî al-`Aynayn] What is your opinion on the above books. Can you please also recommend some books for.. More
Mufti Sahib when offering for example 2 rakaats of salatul haajaat, are we allowed to make niyyat of other nafil namazes with it like 2 rakats of salatul taubah and 2 rakats of salatul taheyatul masjid and 2 rakats of salatul shukar. Jazakallah .. More
The company I work for offers an interest free housing loan. However, upon resignation the company reserves the right to charge interest on the balance amount. So far no one who has resigned has been charged interest. If I have the means to clear the loan whenever I resign, does the provision to charge interest make the loan unlawful?.. More
My son died after 15 days of delivery due to some respiratory problem. He was in hospital since the date of birth in ICU. As he was in critical condition doctors advised us to see from far you cannot touch or kiss your baby. But after 2 weeks he expired. My question is that my family members told my wife that do not kiss or touch the baby because.. More
Please explain sharia position on: 1. making collective dua (i.e. one person making dua and the others reciting aameen) 2. after farl salaath the imam reciting dua and the musallis reciting aameen 3. while making dua in sajadha is it required to precede the dua with hamd and salawath... More
why meat for qurban and aqiqah can't give to non muslim... More
As salamoalaikum, 1.IS it right to kiss,offer flower , give chadar(cover), bending head like sijdah but not sijdah to the tomb of a Peer Sahab? 2. Is it right to do Mannat to a majar of a Peer Sahab? Please give me answer in details... More
salam alaikum. is the woman under her aza period allowed to answer the phone.jazaka allah kahair... More
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