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Assalamo'alaikum Warahmatullah!!! I am a teacher in an all girls international school in Saudi. I used to wear Tarha even if I'm with women, because I believe this is the safest way not to be seen my hair by any non-mahram. My Muslim arab coordinator wants me to remove it. According to her in Shari'a it's not necessary to wear hijab if you're with women... More
Assalamu Alaikum, I request you to present a reply to me personally instead of directing me to different fatwas for this curious question of mine, with regard to the 'jilbab'. Is it a particular kind of dress/head covering? Does any dress in any style but which fulfils the requirements of hijab become a 'jilbab'? Please define the 'jilbab' as mentioned.. More
As a revert I want to cover my face and eyes when unrelated men are around. How small should any eye slit (before eye screening veils are dropped) be? Is it correct that both upper and lower eye lashes are not visible in the slit? Is it ok to deliberately restrict my field and clarity of vision (as long as I "can still see the way" - but with difficulty)?.. More
I go to a an-all girls school where I'm not allowed to wear my hijjab. When I asked my parents to get me out, they refused saying that you'll face even more fitna learning in a mixed school. But I'm worried that I'll be sinning by not wearing the hijjab in front of my male teachers. Should I continue learning in that school?
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Asalam o Alaikum!!!! In Pakistan there is a trend of wearing shalwar kameez for women and for men also. But women also wear dupatta to cover her shoulders, chest and head. But from some years there is a change in trend in which women wear trousers(somehow they are named as trousers (but it is only change is shalwar design according to me) with other.. More
I have clothes that I no longer use. These clothes are less conservative because I wore them when I was not yet a Muslim i.e. they do not conform with the Islamic teachings of covering up. Do I donate these clothes or do I dispose them? .. More
I care for a baby girl who is one and a half years old. Sometimes, while I am changing her diaper or clothes, she runs away from me and goes to her father or our male guests although she is naked, semi-naked or only in her diaper. I do not know if this is permissible... More
Is it permissible for a son to wash the back of his 75 year-old mother when there is no one to help her? .. More
We are four sisters. Our father died and a man, who is not among our relatives, provided for us and we have lived with him since we were very young. Now we are all married. Is it permissible for us to expose our adornment before him, given that we all wear Hijaab and he is an old man? .. More
It is the habit of some people to blame the father when he embraces his grown up daughter under the pretext that she should be bashful in front of him because he is a man. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on this? Would you please provide us with similar incidents from the life of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as well as the Companions,.. More
assalamou alaikom wa rahmat ALLAH wa barketouh sheikh,I have a question and it's been a while that i m looking for an answer for it ,hope you could give me some advice.I was engaged a while ago and im getting long with my fiance al hamdouliELLEH.the problem is that he is living in france so if we get married w'll have to(i ll have to )move there .At.. More
Alhamdulilaah my wife is pregnant and since then she has trouble breathing through the we discussed this & she asked me to ask someone of knowledge if she can take it off,she didnt want to hear from what i already know of the matter nor did she want to even hear any options that i wanted to suggest e.g finding better quality material and.. More
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh. I want to wear niqab for the sake of Allah subhannahu wa tala, as I believe from the many evidences that covering the face is an obligation upon a muslim women. Alhamdulillah I wear Izdell, gloves and my feet are always covered ( when I leave the home ).. but one thing and one major thing left out is.. More
Al-salamu aleikum, I'm a girl ill, with the Multple sclerosis, and I have problems with wearing the hijab. My neurologist asked me to take off the hijab but she isn't muslim, in Morocco my aunt have a problems similar to me and her muslim doctor asked her to take off hijab because she have to stay relaxed and not to feel ill. Now I would like.. More
Asalamu'calykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 3 weeks ago i made a promise to Allah that I would start with Niqab and I did the reason I made that promise was because I was felling that I was going to die and now i where Niqab Alhamdulillah but I don't fell ready yet and I live in a kafir country. so my question is can i stop wearing the Niqab and.. More
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