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451 fatwas

  • Ruling on picture framing business

    Is picture framing business haraam? SALAAM... More

  • Works in a law office and has doubts

    Assalamu Aleikum I need your advice in regards to resigning from my job, which is a secretary/ translator in a Lawyer's office here in Doha. My problem with the job is almost four. Firstly I and my colleagues are not allowed to leave for the daily prayers in the nearby mosque, so we keep on praying together (3 persons) in the office. Secondly, office.. More

  • Working for a cooperative insurance company

    Assalamualaikum dear Sheik ! I have received a job offer from a Insurance Company operating in Damam Saudi Arabia. The company is publicly listed in the stock market and operates as a "Co-opertaive insurance" company. The management of the company claims that they are "Sharia compliant" and they regulate as per the guidelines given by the Saudi Arabian.. More

  • A Muslim pharmacist selling the morning after–pills to non-Muslims

    Assalamu alaykoum, Is it ok for a muslim pharmacist practising in a non-muslim country (UK) to supply the morning after-pill for non-muslim customers who request it?.. More

  • Working as an air hostess: an Islamic view

    1. i want to know about the job of air it allowed or not?what if she is wearing full covered uniform and hijab on head and travelling with full company security.there is no alcohal served. 2. what about income from this job is halal,haram,makrooh,karahut etc. we can use this income for umrah and hajj or not. plz reply in detail both questions.. More

  • Working in a store in which unlawful money is invested

    Salam Alaykum... I've been looking for a job for the last 2 years, in vain I couldn't find one. I heard from my family that my dads uncle is opening a halal store which he offered me a job in it. But the problem is that the money they invested in it is haram... I want to get married next year and there's no job around the corner I'm getting depressed.. More

  • Working in a central bank

    I am working in a central bank its major activities are not services of that the ordinary commercial banks. To mention, -it prints paper money and mints coins and control their circulation -give license to financial institutions (banks,insurance companies and micro finance institutions) and regulate their activities. -carry out different studies.. More

  • Working for a company partly involved in Riba-based activities

    Assalamualaikum Dear Sheik, My name is Abdulla Yousuf. I'm a Chartered Accountant by profession. I have got a job offer at a Fund Manager Company to work as the Chief Internal Auditor. They do undertake the activity of managing the funds on behalf of the third party investors. However, investment decisions are taken by the Fund Manager (My Company).. More

  • Selling airline tickets which include insurance tax

    assalamu alikum im zarjoon khan muslim,i'd like to know fatwa working in airline travel agency sales staff.there's a tax colect by almost all airlines for insurence puropse.which call insurence must have to pay.generaly insurence is haram in islam.i want to know this insurence tax haram?if so can i work this field?please find.. More

  • Works at a cafe shop and has to be friendly with women

    Asalam u alikum. May Allah reward you for your efforts. I am working at a cafe shop in a very busy area with many business customers. Many of my costumers are women and they tend to be very friendly with me. In Islam it is written that we should lower our gaze when talking with women and only one look is allowed. That is not possible as I need to interact.. More

  • Working for the armed forces in a non-Muslim country

    Assalam alkm. Pls I a big problem which can be summarised as follows: 1. I am a member of the armed forces, and specifically, a fighter instructor pilot of a non islamic country. 2. I got into this condition because some scholars in my country gave us a fatwa to join the system and use our position to defend the intrest of the muslims, who are oppresed. 3.. More

  • Wants to start a holiday packages business

    My question is that i am starting a business of hotel hoilday package to Australian people asw well as canada . This business is done in call centre, i am doing this business first time but i know every thing about this business but i have a fear of whether this business will work out for me or not . Mujhe aap ki maadat aur suggestion chaiye ke mein.. More

  • Working in Danish postal service

    Assallam mualaikum, I am living in Denmark and i work for the danish postal service as a mailcarrier, i have worked there for about 7 months now, i have begun to wonder if it´s halal or haram, because i have discovered that some people order things like pornography and the like, also we carry commercials for haram shops, i am really starting to think.. More

  • Teaching accounting and finance

    Asalam O Alikum My education is in the field of Accounting and Finance however there are things that concern me regarding the subject matter which apparantly is haram e.g. Interest calculation etc. Kindly clarify me on the following issue, Am i allowed to teach others the subjects of Accounting and Finance in particular 'accounting' -'economics'.. More

  • Online job from home

    im trying to do a online job from home is that allowed?.. More