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We are running an Islamic library for free haring of Islamic books, videocassettes and CDs. Can we use Zakah money for buying or binding the books? Can we receive Zakah money for this purpose?.. More
Can I give portion of my charity (Zakaah) to build mosques?.. More
I need more information on Zakah and how to distribute it to people. Please advice me on books, web-sites, to find out more about how to practically give Zakah. I know of the Sura Tawba, ayat 60 (9:60) that talks about the 8 category. But they need more explanation. Also can we have a limit of like 200 per person per year and 500 per organization per.. More
Alsalamu Alikum, Dear Sir, In my question here I will talk about an important problem that is facing Muslim communities in western societies. I am a member in the board of one of the Islamic Centers in a Canadian city. I am also in charge of the education committee, which is responsible for holding weekend schools and summer school for the Muslim children,.. More
I have been told that Zakaat money can be used to build mosques and Islamic Schools. Is this true? Please provide the necessary Ahadith or Ayats because I have been told that there is no specific prohibition in the Qur'an or Ahadith. Shukran. Yours in Islam, Ahmed
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