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My friend asked me to invest about 70,000 in the year 1997. There was no profit. In 1998 with some discussion he said that he can repay it and documents were prepared. I am not asking any interest, as it is the law for Islam. I found that he is not making any effort to pay till now 2003. Recently during a discussion he said that he wants to perform.. More
Dear Scholars. I have submitted a question before regarding the Zakah on shares and understand that if the shares owned are intended for their revenues then Zakah is payable on the revenues but if the shares are intended for trade, Zakah is payable on the capital and it's revenues.The shares that I own are intended for their revenues so I only pay.. More
I have some money in shares, some in accounts in the bank, and some in land. As far as I understand, I am to find out the value of these holdings on a (lunar) yearly basis, subtract the Nisaab, and pay 2.5 percent of the remaining amount in Zakaat. Am I correct in thinking this? Also, I receive a small monthly allowance from my parents to cover my personal.. More
When making consideration for Zakah, as per the shares owned in the stock market, should it be calculated as regards the present value of the shares, or only after shares are sold and cash is actually realized?.. More
I gave some money to my relative for investment a few months ago. Is this money due for Zakah or only their profit?.. More
I am 19 years old. I have funds in four American medical companies in US. I can not manage my funds until I reach 21 . Therefore, my father pays the Zakah on these funds until I reach 21. Is this allowed in Islam? Are the profits to be included in the Zakah or not?.. More
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