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I want to know if my Wudu will be accepted, as I apply gel to my hair. So when I wipe the head with my wet hand, if I have gel in my hair, will this affect my Wudu... More
I wanted to know if there were any particular Du'a to recited when making Wudu. For instance when washing the face, is there a Du'a for that, and for every other place that you wash for Wudu?.. More
I have a question about Wudu. What are we supposed to do about that part in the ears which we cannot completely reach with our fingers, because the fingers are too big and the hole is small?.. More
While making ablution do we not clean the neck and the back of the neck with the back of our fingers? I have seen my uncle doing this since my childhood.Kindly advise. .. More
Thank you again for all your answer. I have an added question to ask: Can I rub the oil on any other part of the body except the Wudu parts when I want to pray? The body parts I meant was, for example, the chest or stomach... More
I want to pray and do good deeds. However, I am always afraid that I will perform, the ablutions and prayer wrong. Is there a way I can know without asking anybody, because of fear from embarrassment?.. More
What do you say before and after Ablution (Wudu)?
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When we start the Wudu would we say only 'Bismillah' or 'Bismillahi Rahmani al-Raheem?'
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For the last 20 years since I started praying I have been told that I was making Wudu in a wrong sequence not according to what was mentioned in Qur'an. I start by washing hands, mouth, nose, face then ears and head before I wash the arms. I was told that I should wash the arms then ears and head. Is the sequence of doing Wudu a strict one?
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If any small portion (or) hair is left dry unknowingly and is noticed after performing Wudu or Ghusl, then is it enough to wet that part only or should I repeat them?
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When I do the Wudu. I can't easily do the "Istinshak". So can I do it without introducing the water in my nose?
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Can ablution ( wudu ) can be done partly at home and completed at the mosque (especially washing legs) ?
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If someone has pain in his face or arm and is obliged to use oil or cream on them all the time, what can he do to perform the prayer? What is the ruling of this case on fasting ?
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What are Fard and Sunnah of ablution? Also the Fard and Sunnah of Salat.
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Is it ok to make Wudu without taking off the Hijab?
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