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Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding forgiving others who have hurt you: is it enough to forgive the person by saying, 'I forgive you,' while the feelings of hatred are still present in the heart? I have tried forgiving a person who backbit about me; I said, "I forgive him," but not in his presence. I even backbit about him, so if I forgive him.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I had a maid in my house for helping in household activities. One day I suspected that she had stolen some money from my locker. I told my family members about it, and they scolded her and was kicked out of the house as she had done these activities in the past as well. Afterwards, I calculated my money and discovered that she had.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholars. If a person made mistakes in his life and is now trying to avoid these mistakes but due to his past mistakes people suspect him, which might torture him and might cause him to lose the determination to avoid mistakes, then what Islamic ruling guides everyone in this type of case?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear respecter Brother, I have a question regarding my friend. He used to work in the UAE the last couple of years but has now come back to his home country. While he was explaining how his work and salary and so on were over there, he mentioned that there was some opportunity to earn more money.I asked.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am currently living in the land of disbelief. I have done serious, disgusting, evil, major sins for years, and it has destroyed my moral! I abandoned the prayer for years. I am fed up with the way I am living and leading my life. I want to change my life ASAP for the sake of Allaah, The Exalted! I am going to go and live in a Muslim.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, dear Brothers. If Allaah punishes someone with woes and griefs in this life for sins that he committed, can He remove this punishment in this life while this person continues to commit those sins and does not repent? You can just answer with yes or no. Thank you for your answer.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I read on your site that if a person's last deed before passing from this world is good, then he may be in paradise though he is someone of the fire, and that if his last act is bad, he would be a person in the fire who is from paradise. This worries me because I sometimes do some things that are probably impermissible, such as my.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I believe I have done a lot of grave sins; some of the biggest are:
1. I used to commit homosexual acts.
2. I used to be involved in groups that promote homosexuality as a human right.
I like to think that I repented before two Ramadans ago. I began searching for ways to find peace of mind.. More
If a non-Muslim actress converts to Islam, will she still earn sins if people watch her act in her movies in which she was not wearing a hijab? And is the money that she gained through acting haram? And what if some people have downloaded pictures of her before she converted in which she was not wearing a hijab, will that also count as a sin?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuhu. I remember that I did haram by looking at girls or causing attraction, and may Allaah forgive me. My question is: is it necessary that the girls' father or brothers and so on forgive me in order for Allaah to forgive me, or the women's husband if she is married, or even the girl herself? And is it the.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Please spread your knowledge. For repentance, I sometimes have a lot of things that I want to repent from, so I write my repentance down, and then I read it off in my supplication. Is this an innovation, or is it acceptable? Also, what is the proper pronunciation of he Shahaadah (testimony of faith). Are we supposed to say Muhammadur.. More
If a person commits a sin and attempts to hide his sins lest Allaah expose them, is he a Kafir given that he does so trying to stop Allaah from doing some thing i.e he believes that he can do so? And, secondly, if after receiving news that someone has become Muslim, if someone says, "I do not care," what is the ruling on him? I have asked the same question.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Allaah says that He will forgive everyone but not the people who do Shirk (polytheism) so what about the below hadith that I am referring to. Does that contradict not contradict this? Allaah says that He will not forgive the one who does Shirk, but the hadith says, “Every sin is forgiven except a person who deliberately kills a.. More
Asalamu alaykum wa ramatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. For the past year and a half, I have been performing an evil deed, a deed so evil that I am thankful that Allaah has hidden it from the people, as I am a well-respected community leader. I have been hiring escorts despite being seen and respected by other Muslims. I have a concern. I want to quit doing.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. What is the difference between Istighfaar(seeking forgiveness) and Tawbah(repentance)? I read somewhere that both words may be used interchangeably to mean either of the two. So how do we know when Tawbah means Istighfaar or when it means Tawbah in the Quran or hadiths? Please, I am confused. Also, are we certain that Allaah will.. More
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