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is this sanad of athar sahih? this is narrated by Imam al Bayhaqi and al Targheeb fe ad-Dua by Abdul ghani al Maqdasi no. 61 chapter of dua al hajah Abu Ali al Hasan bin Ahmad bin Ibraheem bin Shazaan--Abdullah bin Jafar bin Darastawiyah--Yaqub bin Sufiyan--Ahmad bin Shabeeb bin Saeed--Shabeeb bin Saeed--Roh bin al Qasim--Abi Jafar al Madeeni--Abi Amama.. More
Aslamaulakaum Can you please expalin this a hadith The Prophet said, 'It is a bad thing some of you say,"I have forgotten such-and-such verse of the Qur'an." For truly, I have been caused by Allah to forget it. So you must keep on reciting the Qur'an because it escapes faster than a runaway camel.'"
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Salaam Alaikum. I have a question regarding fatwa 200433. In it, it is stated that An Nawawi gathered interpretation of the hadith about non-Muslims having 7 intestines, and that the preponderant opinion was that they have 7 intestines, but they are different from those of Muslims. Scholars also told him that the hadith means that it is good to avoid.. More
the person came from village he asked prophet sallahu alihi va sallam to advise special prayer to bring all rizk for him, the prophet replied him that pray sunna prayer after luhar salah 4(2+2) rakath in thursday and advise special surah's to read in 4 rakath Is this authentic??? pls advise
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Aslamualakaum sheik, im conffused, i came accross a site that rejects hadiths, and there resson is that they say hadiths mock the Prophet (pbuh) and Allah, they gave some examples as well. How do we reply to this. The hadiths are in muslim and bukarih. Im mean have schollrs wrote about them exapliniong them becuse i have seen many hadiths that i didnt.. More
Does this hadeeth exists and what is it's soundness,"Whoever sends blessings upon me two hundred times on Friday,his sins of 200 years will be forgiven." Jazakallah
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As-salaam alaikum dear shaikh there is a Mawdo (fabricated) hadeeth in Hisn-ul-Muslim (very famous book of dua) for saying dua during morning and evening, so can we follow fabricated hadeeth for dua and I want to distribute pamphlets among muslims for this dua , so is it lawful. The hadeeth reads as following ----- Abu al-Darda’ said: if anyone says.. More
As salaamu aleykum. Can you please give me the full detail explanation of this hadith: Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "There are two types of people who will be punished in Hell and whom I have not seen: men having whips like the tails of cows and they will be beating people with them, and, women.. More
Assalamualaikum.In hadeeth it says everyone will love one who is loved by Allah.what if one is not important to everyone eventhough he is very religiuos? Is he not dear to Allah? How can we understand
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Asalam Alaikum. My question is about Shaz Hadith,,is Shaz Hadith acceptable?what is the defination?and kindly give the refrances of difirent muhadissen who gave daleel in favour that it is acceptalr and who are against not accpetable???kindly send me the daleel of both eaither it is consider zaeef ?
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Assalamualikum i am confused by a hadith. i am not clear with the meaning although you have answerd to.someone before hadith is My ummah will nevr agree upon aberrance.whenever you see people are in dispute(Ikthlaaf) Follow the majority(ibn e maja 3940) is this hadees is regarding the sects or what kindly make it clear in light of commantry by the scholars.
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Somebody told me about a hadith that husband and wife should not share their towel...if they do it leads to more fight n misunderstanding between them. Please let me know if its true.
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It is narrated by Ibn Abbas (ra) that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I prayed in Masjid al-Khayf in which there is (grave) of 70 Prophets. Imam al-Hafidh al Mundhiri (rah) after narrating it said: Translation: Imam Tabrani has narrated it in his Al-Awsat and the Isnad is "HASSAN" [Targheeb wa Tarheeb, Volume No.2, Page No. 117, Published by Dar.. More
Is there any Hadeeth speaking about "A time will come upon my ummah when they will be practicing ten percent of Islam and they will be successful " JazakAlkah khair .. More
Assalamualaikum sheikh..... I read this hadith could you please clarify it.... Jabir (Radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger said, “Indeed, the devil has despaired of being worshiped by those who offer salah, but he retains hope of setting them against each other.” Does this hadeeth means there will be no shirk in this ummah????
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