Aslaam-o-Alaikum,Dear Scholars, what does the saying by Salahuddin Ayyubi "if you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation" really mean? Does the shamelessness really destroy a nation? If so, why are America and some Europeans countries more successful in everything and more safe than most of the.. More
Aslamualakaum. Can you please answer this and not refer me to another fatwa. What was created first heaven or the Earth, How do we relates the ayahs 2:29, 79:27-33, 41:9-13. With regards to the creation of the Earth and heaven. Second how do we reconsile with ibn abbas statments in bukarahi that Allah created the Earth then heavens, then he seperated.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum. Sometimes we listen to recitations of the Qur'an on Youtube in order to listen to a particular reciter. However, it seems that the videos on Youtube have to be given a category when they are added to the website. So some videos of Qur'an recitation are categorised under 'music' and some under 'people and blogs'. What is the ruling.. More
aslamualakaumthere is a veres in surah 36 that i dont understand,it says in veres 49 or 50 i think, "they await only one scream (blow) that will seaize them while they are disputing", im a bit cnsuffued as to who the veres is refeering to when it says "will seaize them while they are disputing", is it the Quraish, or men in genreal, becuse isnt this.. More
Aslamualakaum. This is regarding surah 55 verse 39, i have seen the tafseer on your site, so please dont send me that, it is another question relating to it. ibn Abbas has apparanlty done a tafseer on the verese, my question is to do with his tafseer. I dont know much about hadith as im a layman, but the hadith is reported by Ali ibn talha (that is.. More
AslamualakaumWhich Jannah was Adam in. Some people say The real Jannah, but then people say that in there you cant come out or commit sins and shayteen cant go in there. Others say another jannah on Earth. Which one is true, and how do we reply to those accuastions.
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AslamualakumI dont understand this part of a verse, surah imran verse 87, it says all of mankind curse them. What does this mean. Is it refering to the beielvers, is it talking about an unkown event.
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assalam alikum I was just wondering was the people of ad huds people the first people to commit shrirk after noahs people is there any evendence for huds people the first to commit shrirk because dr billal Philips said there is no evendence that huds people were the first to commit shrik after noahs people so I just wondered what was your views jazzakkallah.. More
Assalamu ‘alaykum. I’ve read ayah 2:85 and I became confused.
Does “the severest of punishment” mean that they will have the most severe pain that can exist? The most severe pain that God has the capability to make?
In oher words: it is not possible for there to exist a more severe pain than the one they will experience.
Or.. More
Assalamu Alaykum A friend told me there are zahir and batin ayats in the Quran which is backed by mufassireen, muhadditheen, mujtahideen , fuqaha etc. I feel very strange about it as this would entail that our beloved prophet sallalahu alayhi wassalam did you enclose us complete knowledge nor the sahaba as the ayats of the quran are batin and are open.. More
Aslamaulakaum I read that a philospher said that the Quran is a mircle in the sense that Allah prevented people from imiating it not that it itself is a mircle. I thought that this was just a philopshers claim and that the storgest view is that the Quran is a linguistic mircle. But me being a layman got conffused today when i read that a schollar who.. More
salam alakom my question is that the word Fahisha IN 135 al imran . dose it consider as adualitry or adualtress.?or zinaaye mohsenh? thanks please explain it to me
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Assalaamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh, Please provide me with the full names and an explanation of the Waqf Signs at the back of the Madinah Quran. Jazakallahu khayran.
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