On behalf of a brother I ask your Fatwa of what he told me, as follows:
I live in the USA. Some lady in West African, I do not know, sent to my e-mail that he wants me to provide him with my bank account to transfer amount of money. She told me that she inherited this money from her husband whom was poisoned by his associates who were trading the coco... More
My brother gave me present that I suspect it is coming from Haram earning? And I want to help him to become pious. Shall I accept his present or not? What can I do?.. More
The charging of interest is forbidden on loans. Can an adjustment be made to what is owed to take into account inflation, to ensure what is being paid back is the same as what has been borrowed?.. More
I'm a government officer but teaching in an Islamic school. Every year I have to report my work to educational officer in order to benefit my salary. My question is: my work in Islamic school is not similar to the work in the government school, but I must lie in reporting because to hoodwink the real work of mine. Is my salary lawful? Could you clarify.. More
If a community of families saves money into a mutual pot that will provide for the maintenance of a family if its breadwinner dies. This is a mutual way of saving for hard times that may befall anyone. Surely, this is a prudent, which is not forbidden and is not considered gambling... More
I've been praying since the beginning of this year and I'm trying my best to be a good Muslim Insha Allah. My question is: when I came to Austria I was blind totally unaware of what's Halal and what's Haram and I took a lot of credits from an Austrian bank and now I have to pay bank with lots of interests. First I thought Riba is only when you put.. More
I want to ask about will in Islamic Shariah. My other question is if a husband or a wife dies first and leaves no children then who will get what is left? Is his/her family gets something or not?.. More
My friend cheated me and others by saying he has an investment of huge sum of money and declared himself bankrupt. I recommended others to join as investors and he paid me for each person about 200 or so. I did it as a job. I already filed proof of debt in our country's department. I did not know that he is cheating us. 5 years had passed and the bankruptcy.. More
I should stress that Insha Allah, I will avoid work for banks because it's Haram. But as you know many companies in Canada and throughout the world have loans with banks and even when you are charged to assess the viability of a project you use interest rate as a discount rate. I think that my future job will consist maybe of studying possibilities.. More
I had brother who passed away and I had some deals with him, he used to live with my mum and sister, he was married and has one kid, we agreed to buy the house where they were living in using my sister, my mother and my money, as well he added some of his own money to get the amount for the house, but he had the house registered on his name and mine,.. More