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474 fatwas

  • Who has more right to the wife's earnings?

    i m a doctor, my parents put in their hard efforts for my studies. now i am married and now i am doing some job for the very first time after completing my studies. i just wana ask who has right on my pay. do clear it regarding my parents, i want to give and support my parents as much as i can. but people do talk in a way that parents shd not take.. More

  • Her brother-in-law is living with them in the same house

    Assalamulaikum. I have been married for 3 years now and my mother-in-law and brother-in-law are living with us in our house. According to Islam my brother in law is not mahram to me; He is 3 years older than me (30yrs old) and unmarried as yet. His personality is that he keeps to himself most of the time, so we hardly interact with eachother. However.. More

  • Wife asking husband to provide her with Internet to contact her mother

    Assalamu alaykum. My mother and me are reverted muslimas. My husband works in islamic country, myself and my kids are going there also. My mother stays alone in non-muslim country, feeling not able to join us. I asked my husband to provide us Internet possibility there to be able to have regular contact with my mom through messengers, but he refuses,.. More

  • Sexual intercourse in the last ten nights of Ramadan

    Is it permissible for a man to have sexual intercourse with his wife in the last ten nights of Ramadhaan? Would this decrease his reward for fasting, or does it imply that one is not applying the Sunnah? Please advise. An immediate answer would be highly appreciated. May Allaah reward you... More

  • Should a husband love his wife more than his children?

    is the husband supposed to love his wife more than his kids.i have read that it is good if children grow up seeing the deep love between their parents,even more intense than the parents love for kids,coz it creates a feeling of security.and also that psychologically a man should love his wife more so that his children could also imbibe the importance.. More

  • Many questions about marriage and marital life

    Bismilah, salam alaikom wa rahmato lah wa barakato I am interested in getting married with a brother who converted to the islam.He is divorced since 2 years they were married for 4 years, they have a daughter (3 years).His parents and ex wife,daughter are non muslim.His daughter is living with her mother and she doesn't let him see his daughter often.. More

  • A wife delaying sexual intercourse until her wedding is done

    I recently divorced a man who aparently married me only for the green card and we never islamically got married or consimated the marriage ,so I am still a virgin. Now I got married again to another man except Islamically not legally yet (a local Muslim from the board of "shura" from the masjid preformed the nikah without legal papers per MY request).. More

  • Talking during intercourse

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad (PBUH) is His slave and Messenger. Assalam o Alaikum! Sir! First of we are thankful to Allah for giving Knowledge. thanx for replying my mails. Jazakallah Sir one thing more which is that is it permissible.. More

  • Her husband suffers from PTSD

    salam alaikum. i am a 30 year old woman married for 9 months. my husband suffers from ptsd (for 40 years) due to child abuse and being in th british army. i desperatly need help i feel really depressed. i have put all my efforts in to helping him im praying and teaching him his prayers although his concentration is very poor due to his mental illness... More

  • Wife's right to jewelry and dowry items after divorce

    Salam If someone provides alot of the dowry and many stuff to his wife including jewellery etc. After a month or so they don't get together, and he asks her to take all jewellery and stuff away. Then he sends her back to her home. If they have to divorce, 1.Is it right that the jewellery which he had bought for his wife is not given to her after divorce? 2... More

  • Her husband refuses to have sex with her

    Assalm-o-elikum, Dear sir, this is the fourth time I am asking this question. Unfortunately I have not got a reply. I am married since 14 years. My husband does not want to have sex with me. If I touch him or try to be intimate with him , he rejects me. This is causing me a great distress. We have a son who is 10. He keeps away from me for 2 or 3 years.. More

  • Husband is the leader of his family

    who is the leader of a family, the wife or the husband? who should a wife lessons about financial and other family affairs management, as to where to live and how to live? her father or her rightful husband? when would it be ligitimate a wife to refuse/deny to have a sexual intercourse with her rightful husband? can a wife use her earnings any way she.. More

  • Her husband left her and moved out of the country

    My Husband of 8 years left me and moved out of the country. Leaving me with all the bills, morgage, ect. I have to work two jobs and it still is not enough, I have to reley on my children. First he left because of work, then when he was gone he said it was because of money, the children then me. A differant excuse. Is this right??? I have not spoken.. More

  • Regrets marrying her abusive husband

    salamo alaikom does the man have a right to deny his wife the right to have children if she has been married bfre and has children frm her previous marrige thus the issue that he cant fully satisfy her also and abuses her and her children to the extent that she regrets marrying a situation like this wt can she do as she dsnt want to go though.. More

  • Eight-year-old boy sleeping in the same bed with his father and his new wife

    Asalamualaikum. How does Islamic law interpretes a man bringing his 8 year old son, on his wedding night to sleep on the same bed togehter with his new wife? When he had 2 other rooms in the same hotel where his older children (ages 13 to 27) were staying. It is natural & acceptable for his new bride to get very upset & not agreeing to that.. More