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773 fatwas

  • Her husband forces her to live in the same house with his brother

    My question is my husband is forcing me to stay with his married brother ,I had told him about the hadiths mentioning that "brother in law is death" living together may cause many problems,but he doesnt seems to listen,he says that I just have to maintain my Hijab thats all.Wht can I do?since his wife is also a nonmehram to him that will be a probs.As.. More

  • She hated her non-practicing husband and committed Zina with his cousin

    I want to introduce myself. I once asked a question here saying is it ok to leave my husband temporary until he start practicing the sunah correctly. U guys answer that It's ok if I'm sure that he will change because of that. But Subhanallah, I did only for a few days because I was disappointing my family according to them so I came back. I came.. More

  • Men and women participating in forums for the purpose of Da‘wah

    Is a woman permitted to register in forums and to reply to and discuss the postings of men with full respect and in a fraternal atmosphere free of foul language, given that the objective of joining these forums is Islamic, like the posting of Islamic articles and beneficial moral stories?.. More

  • Family compelling daughter to shake hands with her in-law

    I have a religious friend who is adherent to her due Hijaab. Her family pushes her to shake hands with one of her in-laws, who is also her cousin. What is even stranger is that they accuse her of being extreme. Are there any verses or Prophetic narrations that affirm and reinforce her stance against her family?.. More

  • Ruling on scientific discussion between lecturer and female student

    I am a young man and I am a lecturer in a university in Egypt. What is the Islamic ruling on a female student asking me to engage in a scientific discussion with her, given that this is my duty towards my students, whether males or females? This is my job that I should carry out perfectly and duly, and it is impermissible to withhold knowledge. Note:.. More

  • The wife of one's father-in-law is not a Mahram

    If my father-in-law is married to a woman other than my wife’s mother, is she considered a Mahram to me?.. More

  • Your wife has to wear the Hijab in front of your step-father

    Is it permissible for my wife to take off her Hijaab before my step-father, just as she does with other Mahram men? May Allaah reward you... More

  • Regulations on Female Students Going on Scientific Trips

    I am a female student in my third year in the faculty of Geology. We sometimes go on scientific trips, but only I and another girl accompany male students and professors. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on partaking in these trips? May Allaah reward you... More

  • Muslim sister faces problems with family and job because of Hijab

    Salam alaikum, a year ago I lost my job because I wanted to wear my hijab also at work (I am a revert) and cannot find a job because of my hijab. Now I have to file in bankrupcy, which means people from the court will come and take everything from my home that is valuable. I have a beautiful Persian necklace and 2 persian carpets which I got from.. More

  • Avoiding doubtful places - Corresponding with marriageable man

    Assalamwalaikum, im married for a year, & my husband stays out of india. i stay with my inlaws in india. however my father met with an accident and i have been staying with my parents for almost 2 months which my inlaws didnt like.. last week i returned my home, but i was worried for my father & also for my husband as he is also not keeping.. More

  • Muslim woman asks about traveling to study

    assalamu alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu, i am doing second year bachelor of islamic studies alhamdulillah i have very good madani teachers and its through this studies allah gave me guidance so, i never want to leave this college but.. i have to go to college through a publis transport bus in that bus i have totally mingle with gants and totally.. More

  • Her brother-in-law’s wife does not cover herself in front of her husband

    Assalamualikum, i have a question, i hope you will forgive its nature, i need help. I live with my husband, our 4 children and his 2 brothers. it has been hell living with the 2 because i could never dress nicely and always my head i knew its haram to be in presence of brother in law alone, even thou i looked at him like brother and he as well.. More

  • Building separate mosques for women

    As salam wa alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkathu. As per the Aya of Sura Ahzab (33:33) is it advisable for dai to call women to come to masajid for prayer & listening islamic lectures of scholars? Is it ok to built a seperate masajid for women? Does it have any authentic proof? also we shall like to get scholarly comment on ladies getting togeter.. More

  • The obligation of wearing the Hijab

    I am a religious Muslim woman and I fast and pray and comply with all the teachings of the Sharee’ah (Islamic law), except the Hijaab (Islamic covering) because of the nature of my work. Am I committing a major sin? Will I be deprived of the mercy of Allaah The Almighty and from Paradise?.. More

  • Highlighting the status of woman in Islam

    Assalamu Alaikum We are living in a time that the opponents of Islam spreading wrong information about the freedom of women in Islam. But I am amazed to notice that wherever in the world occures any communal problems, the Muslim women are abused and molested by the opposite community but the Muslims are rarely doing the same to the women of other.. More