As salamu aleykum,
If one concludes his salaat with the taslim, but he doubts that he has done 1sajdah to less in the last rakaat, what does he need to do?
Should he made 1 sajdah after the taslim en dan make tashahhud and taslim again, then make 2 sajdahs of sahw and then tashahhud and taslim again ?
Thus in the last rakaat he would make 5 sajdahs,.. More
we have extended our mosque over an old graveyard.some people objected that it is unislamic and it is not prayer worthy.please tell us its legal position in islam.. More
do we have to say assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah each time at the end of a congregational prayer or the imam saying it suffices one from saying it?.. More
I would like to know is there any special dua to be recited after every 4 rakhas of taraweeh.The people usuallly follow it where i live.I tried find the refrence or hadiths quoting this special Dua but did not find one.Can you please help me?
the dua people read starts like this 'Subhana zil mulki wal malakoot, Subhana zil izzti wal azmati, Wal haibati,.. More
Assalamu 'alay kum:
What is the ruling on the game of dominoes? Is it permissible, allowed, or disliked?
This has become a major issue at one of the masjids, where the brothers, after praying 'Isha, play this game in the masjid well into the early morning, but leaving before the Fajr prayer and thus not praying it in congregation.
In addition,.. More
1) When we make up witr prayer in daytime, since we should do it in even numbers, like four rakahs instead of three, then should we make tashahud in the middle of four rakahs or directly in the last rakah as in the case of three rakahs?
2) If we decide to pray one rakah of witr, one of my friends told me that it should be prayed in the following manner:
Fir.. More
◊assalamu aleykum. my question regards reciting in the fard Salah(prayers). we are required to follow the principles of tajweed when we are reciting in beautifying the voice . what is the case in prayers where the imaam, during the maghrib, isha or fajr prayers recites verses from the quran in MUjawwad form, that is. for example how sheikh abdul.. More
Assalamu alaikum. We the
undersigned have honour to state you that the Sonari Maszid is an oldest Maszid of Sonari town (Assam). but it is regretted to note that the Maszid building was built over a land measuring 6 katha which has not yet been alloted authentically in the name of Maszid Committee.The entire 6 katha land was originally owned by Govt... More
This brother says his first salamah (after a salaah) immediately after the Imaam's first salamah and after the Imaam says his second Salaamah, he says his. Is this the right as different from we that wait for the Imaam's completion of the two before we start ours?.. More
Assalamu Alaikkum when i go to jumma prayer is it permissable to recite quran ,zikr or make dua while imam gives his speech or kutba, because i am out of my country and i cannot understand imams language even a single word. jazakallahu hairan.. More
Assalaamu alaykum respected scholars. My question is concerning the making up the raka'as inside the masjid and the location inside the masid to make up these raka'at that I miissed. I arrived late for salatul Asr just at the end of the second raka'as. at the end of the prayer and when the Imam gives 'As salaamu alaykum' I leave the line and move to.. More
Salaam alia kum,
We have installed a new carpet (containing rows) in our office prayer room. The Qibla diection is offset between 4 - 8 %. We are aware that the direction is offset, do we need to re-install the carpet in the correct direction or is it ok to continue praying offset by 4 - 8%. Please send Fatwa soon.
.. More
Assaalamu alaikum mufti shahib, Could you please answer the following question. Recently in Isha Prayer, the imam didnt sit on the 2nd Rakat for Tashuad but got up, stood up and folded his hands. When he realised what he done, he quickly sat down and done Tashuad. Few people saw what he had done and when asked about it, he said he didnt stand up straight.. More
While moving ahead during salaah to fill a recently left space in front, is it right that the right leg should be taken first and that one should not move like he is walking normally but the left leg should be landed beside the right and not ahead even when one is yet to reach the empty space? Besides, what should the maximum distance be between two.. More