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2405 fatwas

  • Slight movement in prayer is pardoned

    If I pray normally and shake or quiver while bowing or in another pillar of the prayer but wait, let us say 2-3 seconds, is my prayer okay? I ask because it is difficult to stop all movement in the pillars of the prayer. And what if someone would swing during the whole pillar of the prayer whilst standing? .. More

  • Joining congregation praying 'Ishaa thinking they were praying Maghrib

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. Please, if I joined a congregation to observe the Magrib prayer after the congregation prayed one unit of prayer while it was unknown to me dat they were praying the ‘Ishaa’, which is four units of prayer, what happens to my prayers? .. More

  • Praying in clothes stained with roadside drain water

    Assalaamu alaykum. In our country, roadside drain water usually comes from kitchens and bathrooms. Sometimes people also urinate in the drain. Because of dirt, garbage, etc., the color of drain water turns black, and is also has a bad odor. Is this water considered impure? I mean, if some drops of this drain water get on one's clothes, will their prayer.. More

  • Inability to say Takbeerat-ul-Ihraam in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I suffer from anxiety which is so bad that everytime I want to pray the obligatory prayer, I get so anxious that I cannot say the Takbeerat-ul-Ihraam (saying Allaahu Akbar to start the prayer)because my breath is cut off. Sometimes I need one hour for one prayer. I know that Waswasah (obsessive whispers).. More

  • Changing intention to stop following imaam in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that I join the imam during the Maghrib prayer. Then when the imam starts reciting, I notice that he is making a major mistake, even in Surat Al-Faatihah. So I change my intention to pray by myself without following him, and I willingly bow and prostrate at the same time at which he does so in order that other people do not.. More

  • Starting prayer seated while able to stand

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. If a person is to pray the full prayer sitting due to valid reasons but they are able to stand and begin the prayer standing, is the prayer of such a person invalid if they do not begin it while standing? I started two prayers while sitting out of forgetfullness; do I need to repeat them? May.. More

  • Waswasah in pronunciation of Tashahhud

    Salam. Please do not refer to other answers and reply soon. I am going through a severe emotional trauma. I have been suffering from Waswasah (obsessive/devilish whisperings) regarding apostasy, purification, and pronunciation in prayer for a long time. It has now reached the point that sometimes the devil makes me want to leave the prayer (may Allah.. More

  • Praying two Rak‘ahs before Maghrib and ‘Ishaa'

    Assalaamu alaykum. With regards to praying two Rak‘ahs (units of prayer) before the Maghrib prayer or ‘Ishaa’ prayer, do the scholars who say that it is recommended mean that one should pray it all the time? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Suspecting imaam of committing immorality

    Two friends of our masjid's imam lived in the masjid with him for some time. They were mature adults and were getting religious education. They suddenly left the masjid and then wrote a letter to the masjid's committee saying that the imam was keeping one minor student in his room at night and sleeps with him on the same bed. The committee fixed a time.. More

  • Praying in same spot in mosque all the time

    Assalaamu alaykum. In a hadith, the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,prohibited to fix a place in the mosque, like a camel, which fixes its place. What does that mean? .. More

  • Fate of one who believes that missing prayers deliberately is only sin and not Kufr

    Respected Shaykh, In fatwa no. 83724, you have mentioned that the scholars differed with regards to a person becoming a disbeliever if they deliberately miss a prayer (or prayers) out of laziness. Some said that this person still remains a believer while others said that he has become a disbeliever. Each group has their evidences. My question is.. More

  • Slight movement while praying does not negate Tuma'neenah

    Assalaam alaykum. I have a few more questions about ease in prayer. These answers will help me very much, Allaah willing: 1. In each position, does the praying person have to recite the required Athkaar (plural of Thikr [expressions of remembrance of Allaah]) while simultaneously being completely still? If a person recites while not being completely.. More

  • Imaam left prayer and second imaam started Al-Faatihah from beginning

    Assalaamu alaykum. While praying the Maghrib prayer, the imam's ablution broke, and another person took the lead with a new recitation of Al-Faatihah. When we finished, it was said that we should prostrate because the previous imam had commenced reciting Al-Faatihah and that the second imam, instead of continuing from where the first one had stopped,.. More

  • Swallowing phlegm during the prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I thank you for your responses regarding previous questions about the prayers. I keep trying to get better in my worship. I often catch a cold just because of the weather or just because of taking a bath. During prayers, the mucus bothers me, and I have some minor difficulty breathing. So then I sniff the mucus so that it does not.. More

  • Refraining from joining group supplication with imaam

    Assalaamu alaykum. In our masjids, the imam supplicates together with the congregation (which is considered a religious innovation) after the prayer. So some brothers leave the masjid as the imam starts supplicating in order to show their dislike towards religious innovations. However, in that case, they do not complete their Thikr (remembrance of Allah).. More