We are planning to establish an Islamic Centre/Mosque, in a small city in England. Can we use lottery money that is given to us by the government? Is it Halal to use lottery money to build a mosque?
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On Friday I have an exam which is 3 hours long. It starts from 11 to 2 pm; this means I will miss the Jumu'ah prayer. I need some advice to deal with this situation.
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I work in an office. We use to offer Salat Zuhr in congregation in our office whilst mosque is only at a distance of five minutes from my office. Should I offer the Salat in office or in mosque? Further, sometimes I have pressure of work in office and my superiors want me to postpone my Salat until I have completed my work. Should I listen to them or.. More
I'm a young man living in Brazil. We have an Imam. But some of the people who pray with him want me to pray instead of him especially Jumu'ah prayer because of the Khutbah. But I pray in another mosque. So, can I lead them in Jumu'ah prayer after having prayed in another mosque and with another Imam?
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I observe every second person in the mosque on daily basis, perform two Raka'a Sunnah after the Fajr Farz Salah almost all over the kingdom (Saudi Arabia). As far I know there is no Salah after far Farz prayers and once the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) had performed Qadha of Fajr prayers, he first said two Raka'a Sunnah and than Farz. Isn't.. More
I have a problem controlling my ablution (Wudu). So I make ablution when the Iqama is close to being called the Friday prayer. I don't listen to the Khutbah. Is it acceptable to pray like this or should I pray Zuhr?.. More
When praying, how should one recite the Surahs? Should the Surahs be recited in the manner of 01-114? Or can it be recited randomly? 3) I would like to know about the ‘Isha prayer; i.e. the total number or Rak'ahs to be performed.
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Is there any specific Du'a (supplication) to be said during the pause between the two parts of the Friday Khutbah (sermon)? Is there any Prophetic Hadith regarding this?
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We have annual gathering of my family which is going to be on Friday and distance from my home to the place of gathering is 120 km. On the place where we will going to gather there is no mosque. Is it permissible for me to miss Friday prayer, or family gathering which is once a year.
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Please give me some details of what the Qunut prayer is; I understand the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, used to pray this abundantly during times of calamity. Tell me how this prayer is performed.
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A member of the Shura committee in the Masjid in our city- a city in a non-Muslim western country- asked me to write to you this email about a issue that the Shura committee members are arguing about. This issue is: Allowing non-Muslim women to enter the men's area in the Masjid, set down - in the men's area - in a circle with other Muslim and non Muslim.. More