Assalamu Alaykum I would like to know whether I can wipe my socks when doing wudu while my feet are sweaty and the socks are fairly moist due to the sweat. Is the sweat on the feet regarded as najas? Assalamu Alaykum.. More
I would like to have detail on the following questions: 1.Does Tayammum purify one Jana bah in the absence of water, inadequate water or other inconveniences? 2.Not saying Bismillah before the recitation of Suratul Fatiha during Salaah, is the Salaah Sufficient? 3.I was in desperate need of Financial Assistance in the situation I could not control,.. More
Please, I would detail on the following Questions. 1. If one wash forget a part of the body during Ablution and washes it two times instead of three times, does this invalidate ones ablution, if one remember after the ablution. 2. I one do not say Bismillay befrore the Ablution and the concluding Prayer at the End of the Ablution, do these invalidate.. More
Asamulaikum, The type of cirmumission done in the provincial part of my country is done locally and must often the foreskin covereing the penis is not completely/wholey taken out(i.e they cut partly) .It leaves some some skin around the penis (penis is covered).And if this person grew up to full manhood without being re-circimised due to stigma posed.. More
pls reply these ques since i having these doubts since 2 yrs and have a lot of time with these and my studies have been greatly salm u alaikum, thanks a lot for replying to my qs. i need these qs to be ans.1.while washing hands in the toilet when one doubts that they have touched some impurity,if the splashes of water fall here and there.. More
Thank you for answering my question regarding the normal fluid that exits from the uterus which is pure. I just wanted a better clarification on whether or not I have to wash my body and clothes, for example if I'm at work or not at home and I can only perform ablution (Wudu). .. More
We heard the wooden utensils are Haraam. But what about the use of wooden spoons for non sticky utensils. Because can't use the usually steel or aluminum spoons in such. .. More
After you attend a Janaza of a dead Muslim, you see his/her dead body and bury him/her, does your Wudu stands or broken. Some Imaams say that you should have a bath/shower and then perform Wudu to say your prayers. Can you please clarify what our Shariah says?.. More
The menses before giving birth to a baby was regular and lasts for six days every month. After giving birth to a baby, and after the end of the forty-day period, I was surprised by the discharge of blood of menses for two days only and then the blood stopped. So I waited for six days as usual and then I purified myself and performed the prayer. Then.. More