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1452 fatwas

  • How to hold the Siwaak according to the Sunnah

    Assalaamu alaikum, dear shaikh some websites say that when you use siwak keep your little finger at the end lowest back part of it. Is this true? 2 - They say when you intend to discard siwak then bury it somewhere rather to throw in the dustbin as it was a source of cleanliness and a honorable sunnah. Is it also true? Jazaak ALLAHU Khair. .. More

  • Rinsing mouth during Wudhoo’ is achieved by the slightest movement of water in the mouth

    Most of the time during the day I have white coating on my tongue unless I clean it by brushing it with tooth powder. I'm not sure when I do wudu if this coating is a barrier and is stopping the water to touch the tongue. Even if i do brush some of it off there is still some left at the back of the tongue which is hard for me to brush, as it makes me.. More

  • Dog does not defile place unless it urinates on it

    Assalam alaykom shaykh, I hope your in the best of health... I'll try to keep this as simple and to the point as possible... I converted to Islam and still live with my family who is not practising Islam.. In this house we have a dog, my mother has a boyfriend and there is music playing everywhere.. Not to mention alcohol is drunk often.. Though this.. More

  • Urine-stained carpet is purified by pouring water over it

    Asalamalikum, this morning I accidently urineted on the bathroom floor in my sleep my wife walked into the puddle barefoot thinking I spilt water on the floor again and ignored it and then walked around the house. Later when she went back into the bathroom she realised it was urine on the floor. How does she purify the house as she has walked around.. More

  • Intention is a condition for the validity of Wudhoo'

    Assalam aleykum. My question is, where does the idea come from that one must have an intention to preform ablution for it to be valid? What is the proof? Thank you. P.S. -------------------- Because of the idea of intention i now must to redo many past prayers which are turn out to be invalid. But i would like to understand why first. I have asked this.. More

  • Beware of obsessive whisperings when performing Istinjaa'

    After defecation i use too much water for istinja.. while doing istinja i also wash inside the anus as i didnt come to satisfaction level.... the question is 1) when i do istinja and stand up, water comes out from anus, is that water is pure? 2) because of washing too much inside the anus a white fluid comes out, should it be washed or only stool? is.. More

  • Statements of scholars about removal of dead skin for purification

    As salaamu alaykum, In this fatwa: It states that scholars said that dead skin which is attached to the living skin must be removed. Can you give a quote from a scholar or fiqh book? Or is the opinion of islamweb himself? Was salaam. .. More

  • Menses does not exceed fifteen days

    After pregnancy I got like a little pocket in the uthero. Every time I have hard fuel of blood during menses, some blood fall down in this pocket and come out by 3-4 days by the end of menses. What Should I do, get ghusl after the menses and stop praing if the blood in the pocket come out and remake ghusl after that. Or wait still at stilla 7-10 days.. More

  • Ruling on wearing 'breathable' nail polish during ablution

    Asa-almulaykum There is a new product on the market – “breathable nail polish” What is the vedict on this? Can one use it? Will it be accepted, will our wudhu be accepted? Will we be punished if we die with it on? Wa-alykum asalaam .. More

  • Performing prayer after wiping on socks worn while in a state of ritual impurity

    Assalam alaykum, if omeone made mistakes and offered some fard salah without having wiped correctly over the socks, is the salah valid or she has to make them up? the mistake made was that the person was ignorant at that time that one must have had wudu when one put on the socks to be able to wipe over it in ablution. also, the person isnt really sure.. More

  • The impurity of any object is established by certainty not just doubt

    Assalamu alikum My question is regarding purity. We live on first floor of a building. Just above our toilet and bathroom, There is toilet and bathroom of the second floor portion. In the monsoon season and winter season, the roof and upper part of walls of our ttoilet become dampened because of nijs water of second floor toilet. After drying the walls,.. More

  • The purity of vessels when used by someone who drank alcohol

    Dear Mufti Sahab If a person drinks alcohol and then uses my glass or spoon and utensils will my utensils become impure right after he drinks. If he touches anything will it become impure. If i wash those utensils in sink will my.sink also be impure. Also if that person uses my sink to gargle after drinking alcohol will the sink become impure . Please.. More

  • Wearing contact lenses that contain urea

    I am an average looking 29 years old unmarried girl. My eyesight is very weak therefore i use to wear contact lenses.Recently, I came to know that contact lenses may contain a by product of urea.I am worried whether is it allowed to wear such lenses.I want to mention that contact lenses are transparent made of material known as 2-hydroxyenthal methcrylate.My.. More

  • Ruling on men and women performing ablution together

    Assalam aleykum warahmatullahi. Can you clarify this hadith? Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: "During the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) men and women used to perform ablution together." Sahih al-Bukhari: Book 4, Hadith 59 Thank you .. More

  • Removing dead skin still attached to the body

    wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, i received a answer on question nr: 2512616 by email. i realy still dont understand what you mean, how is it possible that dead skin that seperates from the body is still attached to the skin?? why is it that the scholars i asked in the example of my said no need to remove??? i.e. circles of fungal these.. More