1. Women
  2. Dangerous Practices

There are 47 articles

  • The Muslim's attitude towards Valentine's Day

    The Muslim's attitude towards this holiday should be clear: 1- A Muslim should not celebrate this pagan festival, or join others in their celebrations of it, or attend their celebrations because it is forbidden to celebrate the festivals of non-Muslims. Ath-Thahabi  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him said: "If the Christians have a festival and.. More

  • Celebrating Valentine's Day

    Allah has chosen for us Islam as our religion and He will not accept any other religion from anyone, as He Almighty Says (what means):{And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers}[Quran 3:85] Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam told us that some.. More

  • Beware of Celebrity-Endorsed Advertisements on Social Media

    We all know that advertising is a means of communication to promote a product or service through a paid specialized agency. Previously, advertisements had limited reach as advertisers had only a few media channels at their disposal: newspapers, radio, or television, but now the emergence of new media, represented in computers, the Internet, and social.. More

  • The gravity of accessing doubters’ websites

    By:Badr Ad-Deen Araaq – Islamweb.net One of the most prominent features of our present time is the easy access to information, thanks to the modern means of communication that have helped us overcome many obstacles and made easy what was once difficult. Sadly, many Muslim youths are being hit by an avalanche of websites and web portals that promote.. More

  • Intellectual emptiness is the main gate to atheism

    By: Abu ‘Abdur-Rahman Al-Idreesi By intellectual emptiness, we mean that the state a person often passes through in his childhood and youth, and which may extend into old age, and even until death. In short, 'from cradle to grave'. It is a state of ignorance that includes religious creed. An ignorant person is not necessarily an illiterate who.. More

  • The origin of April Fools’ day

    Many theories have been put forward about how the tradition began. Unfortunately, none of them are conclusive. Thus, the origin of the “custom of making April fools” remains as much a mystery to us as it was back in 1708 CE. The most popular theory about the origin of April Fools’ Day involves the French calendar reform of the sixteenth.. More

  • The Pagan Origins of Halloween

    All Saints' Day, Nov. 1, feast of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, the day God is glorified for all his saints known and unknown. Roman Catholics are obliged to hear Mass on this day. In medieval England it was called All Hallows; hence the name Halloween (Hallows' eve) for the preceding day (Oct. 31). From the Compton's Family Encyclopedia,.. More

  • Hypocrisy is Internal Destruction

    Hypocrisy is a chronic disease and a dangerous moral deviation in the life of individuals, communities and nations. Its danger is great and the hypocrites are the cause of this great evil. This danger is clearly noticeable when the destructive consequences of hypocrisy afflict the entire Ummah (Muslim nation) and the charitable reform movements in particular,.. More

  • Islam and fortune telling

    There are among mankind people who claim knowledge of the unseen and the future. They are known by various names, among which are: fortune-tellers, soothsayers, foreseers, augurs, magicians, prognosticators, oracles, astrologers, palmists, etc. Fortune-tellers use various methods and mediums from which they claim to extract their information, among.. More

  • Dire consequences of injustice - II

    Causes of Injustice A-The devil: Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.} [Quran 2:208] {Satan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are the party of Satan. Unquestionab.. More

  • Dire consequences of Injustice - I

    Injustice is deviation from justice and violation of the truth. There are three broad types of injustice: 1- To be unjust towards Allah The Almighty: The most heinous forms of this type are disbelief, polytheism, and hypocrisy. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): · {And [mention, O Muhammad], when Luqman said to his son while he was instructing.. More

  • The Prophet's Birthday - A Caution against Innovation - II

    Referring this issue back to the Book of Allah, we find it ordaining upon us to follow the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam in his commandments and warning us against whatever he prohibits. Furthermore it tells us that Allah has perfected the religion for the people. So, as long as Milad (birthdaycelebration) is not among the teachings.. More

  • The Prophet's Birthday - A Caution against Innovation - I

    It is not permissible to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or somebody else. In fact, it must be stopped, as it is an innovation in the religion. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, neither celebrated it, nor commanded others to do this for himself or for any one who died before him amongst the Prophets, for his.. More

  • Avoiding Harms of the Tongue

    In today's times, most people tend to be careless about avoiding the harms of the tongue, which are widespread among the people. The following are some of the most common harms: ● Talking about what does not concern you: This is a common practice, even though the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “A sign of a person's.. More

  • Warning against despair of the Mercy of Allah

    One should never despair of the Mercy of Allah because this is a grave major sin.We can see so many verses in the Quran that Allah the Almighty remind us about this grave sin. Here, let’s see some of it. Allah the Almighty Says (what means): {And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except for those astray?} [Quran 15: 56] {Indeed, no one.. More


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