There are 48 articles

  • Watch Your Way

    By: A group of articles by Mr. Mahmoud Mohamed Shaker Since Islam religion was revealed on Earth, it spread north, south, east, and west, crossing the boundaries of the surrounding countries. Islam has cleansed and purged many countries from polytheism, atheism, and calling for gods other than Allah. However, enmity has always gathered against Islam.. More

  • Gaining Victory through the Weak Is an Unforgettable Arrow and an Unfailing Promise

    Praise be to Allah and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. Seeking victory (Nusrah) means asking Allah for victory and support. The means by which victory can be achieved are of two kinds: First kind: Tangible material means. This is the kind referred to in the Saying of Allah, The Exalted (which means): {And prepare against them.. More

  • Building the Man of the Future

    Author: Dr. Lateefah Shaaheen An-Nu‘aymi Excessive playing of video games and spending long hours in front of screens during home quarantine doubled the fears of families regarding the health hazards and psychological damage resulting from addiction of video games – whose popularity generates huge profits for the biggest companies in the.. More

  • In Da‘awah: Violence Begets No Good

    Using gentleness with those who are hoped to embrace Islam is a desirable thing, in order to attract their hearts to it. This is with regards to the disbelievers; what then should the attitude be towards someone who is hoped to make repentance while he is a Muslim who believes in Allah and His Messenger? Is he not worthier of gentleness than the disbeliever.. More

  • Directions on giving advice - II

    Manners of givingNaseeha (advice) · Seeking the Pleasure of Allah by giving Naseehah It is necessary that a person has the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah the Almighty when giving Naseehah. Only such an intention deserves reward from Allah and acceptance from His slaves. If the intention is other than that, then that person deserves.. More

  • The Da'awah of the Prophets

    Calling to Allah is the way of the Messenger Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and his followers, as Allah the Exalted, Says (what means): "Say [O Muhammad]: 'This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with him.'" [Quran: 12:108] Calling.. More

  • Giving sincere advice

    The giving of sincere advice enjoys a sublime and exalted position in Islam, and how could this not be so? The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, considered the giving of sincere advice on a par with the religion as whole. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Religion is giving sincere advice.” A person would give sincere.. More

  • The use of the Internet to propagate Islam -III

    It is sad to note that when a researcher looks through some of the international libraries available on the Internet in order to find information and references regarding any type of data he requires, he finds what he is looking for indexed in a very accurate manner, but, at the same time, we as Muslims do not have a single library about Islam that.. More

  • The use of the Internet to propagate Islam - II

    Another matter regarding the Internet which is associated with the preconditions of the Hour is the saying of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, as in the book of Imam Ibn Hibban, may Allah have mercy upon him: “Lying will spread.” A liar will be punished in his grave by having his face ripped down to his rectum, because of how his.. More

  • The use of the Internet to propagate Islam - I

    In the beginning of the year 1969 CE, in the state of California, people were able to transfer data between two personal computers which were few metres apart via a telephone line, and this was the first such connection to be established anywhere. Before this incident, such a link was only a concept which was to be implemented in the computer laboratories.. More

  • Dawah in history

    From an Islamic perspective, there is absolutely no compulsion on people to embrace it. People have always entered Islam willingly. The historical presence of non-Muslim minorities living among Muslims is evidence of tolerance in Islam. Islam spread in the most populated Muslim countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and within.. More

  • Women in Da'wah - III

    Training in the field of Da'wah: On the theoretical side of this step, training women to work in the field of Da'wah (call to Islam) may need to consider the following aspects: - Educational preparation through providing a good presentation of appropriate materials. - Psychological preparation by ensuring that the women callers have faith.. More

  • Women in Da'wah - II

    A definite role The work of the Muslim woman in the field of Da'wah (call to Islam) strengthens the man's work, and expands it into areas where her effectiveness supersedes that of the man. The woman's role does not end at door. She can be greatly effective by being a good example to others, by being good-hearted, kindly spoken, and of friendly conduct... More

  • Women in Da'wah (Call to Islam) - I

    From the very beginning of the Islamic history, Muslim women have played vital roles in the propagation of the Divine Message (Islam). From the sacrifices of Sumayyah, may Allaah be pleased with her, to the collected Ahadeeth [narrations of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam] of 'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, women have been instrumental.. More

  • Calling to Islam - the duty of every Muslim

    While all the messengers appointed by Allah were charged by Him with the responsibility to disseminate the revealed guidance with which they were entrusted, their respective nations too, were called upon to share in the fulfilment of Allah’s orders. Allah reminds us in the Quran (what means): {And [mention, O Muhammad], when Allah took a covenant.. More


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