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  2. Religions and Sects

There are 16 articles

  • Hinduism -II

    The concept of God in Hinduism 1. Common Concept of God in Hinduism: Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most Hindus would attest to this, by professing belief in multiple Gods. While some Hindus believe in the existence of three gods, some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty three crore.. More

  • Hinduism - I

    I. Introduction to Hinduism The most popular among the Aryan religions is Hinduism. ‘Hindu’ is actually a Persian word that stands for the inhabitants of the region beyond the Indus Valley. However, in common parlance, Hinduism is a blanket term for an assortment of religious beliefs, most of which are based on the Vedas, the Upanishads.. More

  • Soofism in the scale – I

    Sadly, rites and ceremonies are practiced at graves and graveyards by people who believe that the inhabitants of the graves can bring benefit to them; such rites and ceremonies have reached the level of being Shirk (i.e. association with Allah) and take place in different forms. The following are some of the actions performed by such people: Swearing.. More

  • Secularism and its dangers -I

    Allah, the Most Exalted, sent down The Book (the Noble Quran) to clarify all things and to give Guidance and Mercy to people who believe. He sent His Messenger, Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam with guidance and the true religion with which He opened blinded eyes, deaf ears, and sealed hearts. With it, He eliminated the darkness of ignorance.. More

  • Sects and Schools of Thought

    The emergence of Islamic sects was marked during the era of ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib, May Allah Be Pleased with him. However, there were indications of their appearance prior to this but they did not take any official form. The most important of these sects are: Al-Khawaarij: This sect appeared during the time of ‘Ali and Mu‘aawiyah,.. More

  • Taoism: the religion of magic and Yoga

    Taoism, or Daoism, is the Chinese philosophical and religious system, dating from about the 4th century BC. Taoism has, along with Confucianism, shaped Chinese life for more than 2,000 years. Taoist clergy flourished in China until 1927, when the Chinese Communists ousted them. While the future of 'Taoist practice on the Chinese mainland remains in.. More

  • Confucianism

    Definition Confucianism is the religion of the ancient Chinese, named after the great philosopher Confucius who appeared in the sixth century B.C, calling for the revival of the religious values and traditions that the Chinese had inherited from their forefathers. To these values, he added his own philosophy and moral values leading to sound behaviour.Altho.. More

  • Refuting Al-Baatiniyyah - IV

    The beliefs of Al-Baatiniyyah are, as previously mentioned, based on the principle that knowledge cannot be attained except through the infallible Imaam and seeking that from any other source, as they believe, will be of no avail. The Imaam is the only one who can interpret texts and his interpretation is decisive and cannot be in any way rejected... More

  • Al-Baatiniyyah: Their Principles and Beliefs-III

    Examples of the deviated interpretations of Al-Baatiniyyah It has previously been mentioned that the belief of Al-Baatiniyyah is based on the distortion of the apparent meanings of the Quran and Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) to other esoteric meanings. Amongst such naïve distortions is their claim that fornication does not mean the illicit insertion.. More

  • Al-Baatiniyyah: Their Principles and Beliefs-II

    The beliefs of Al-Baatiniyyah The beliefs of Al-Baatiniyyah are hidden as their name indicates. However, their doctrine and beliefs became known, although they were very keen on hiding them, via those who embraced Islam from them. However, they deny such beliefs. They show the adherents of other faiths what they (the people of those faiths) like and.. More

  • Al-Baatiniyyah: Their Principles and Beliefs-I

    Al-Baghdaadi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said in Al-Farq bayn Al-Firaq, “You, may Allah please you, should know that the effect of Al-Baatiniyyah is more adverse and harmful on all Muslim groups than that of the Jews, Christians and Magians. Rather, it is more destructive than Ad-Dahriyyah and all the other sects of disbelievers.” Al-Baatiniyy.. More

  • Al-Ahbaash (the Habashis) –II

    5- They deny that Allah is above His creation. The belief of the Muslims, as indicated by the verses of the Quran, the narrations of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, sound human nature and clear common sense is that Allah is above His creation, over His Throne, and nothing at all of His creatures’ affairs is hidden from Him. Allah Says.. More

  • Al-Ahbaash (the Habashis) -I

    This is a group that emerged during the last quarter of the fourteenth century AH there emerged a group led by ‘Abdullaah al-Habashi, who moved from Ethiopia to Syria, and he moved about in that region until he settled in Lebanon, where he started to call people to his way. The number of his followers increased and his ideas – which are.. More

  • Secularism and its dangers -II

    Believers in secularism deal with the aspects of faith and worship according to what Allah Wants, but- at the same time- they legislate rules other than the rules set by Allah Almighty. In fact, this is the reality and the basis of Shirk (associating partners with Allah), because the people of Jaahiliyyah (the pre-Islamic paganism) did not object to.. More

  • Soofism in the scale – II

    Grave worship It has become a tranquiliser for the Muslim nation, having the same effect on it as opium. The enemies of Islam have realised how important this is for them in enabling them to control and dominate the Muslims; it is because of this that it has played a vital role in their strategies in the past, such as, for example, during the Spanish.. More


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