1. Women
  2. The Predestination and Divine Decree

There are 6 articles

  • Nights of Hope - I

    The days of Ramadan are a special time when the blessings and mercies of Allah The Almighty are bestowed abundantly. So let us hasten to acquire the gifts of our Lord in the mosques and look for them during the third part of the night. Purify yourselves physically and spiritually as you stand before Allah, The King, conversing with Him through reciting.. More

  • The benefits of belief in Divine Decree and Predestination

    Belief in Al-Qadha’ Wal-Qadr (The Divine Decree and The Predestination) is one of the pillars of faith in Islam. None of the Muslim’s faith will complete unless he believes that whatever befalls him could not have missed him, and whatever misses him could not have befallen him. Everything is subject to the Will and Decree of Allah, as Allah.. More

  • The pillars of belief in Predestination and Divine Decree - II

    In part one of this topic we clarified the four pillars of belief in the Divine Decree and Predestination. On the other hand, belief in Divine Decree does not provide an excuse for mankind to sin or abandon what they are obligated to do. This excuse can be refuted by the following seven arguments: 1. Allah Says (what means): “Those who associated.. More

  • The pillars of belief in predestination and Divine Decree - I

    Al-Qadar (Divine Decree) is an Arabic word meaning Allah’s predestination of measurements and sustenance of everything and everyone, according to His Knowledge and Wisdom. Belief in the Divine Decree of Allah is one of the pillars of faith. The faith of a slave will be incomplete unless he believes in the Divine Decree, whether good or bad. This.. More

  • The Four Aspects of Belief in Al-Qadr (Divine Decree)

    Al-Qadr is an Arabic word meaning Allah’s predestination of measurements and sustenance of everything and everyone, according to His Knowledge and Wisdom. It comprises the following four aspects: 1. Knowledge - The belief that Allah’s knowledge encompasses everything, every matter, major or minor, and the time frame of everything that happens.. More

  • Faith in Qadhaa` and Qadr - Predestination

    Definition of "Qadhaa' and Qadar" When mentioned separately, either one means the other; but when stated together, they differ in their meanings e.g.: when it is generalised, Qadar encompasses Qadhaa' and vice versa. But when it is stated: 'Qadar and Qadhaa', then Qadar means the predestination of things and when the predestined matter occurs.. More


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  • Always
  • Most of the time
  • Sometimes
  • Never