1. Women
  2. The Hereafter and the Unseen

There are 42 articles

  • Intellectual emptiness is the main gate to atheism

    By: Abu ‘Abdur-Rahman Al-Idreesi By intellectual emptiness, we mean that the state a person often passes through in his childhood and youth, and which may extend into old age, and even until death. In short, 'from cradle to grave'. It is a state of ignorance that includes religious creed. An ignorant person is not necessarily an illiterate who.. More

  • The Grave: The First Station of Hereafter

    When the son of Adam dies and his soul departs and he is placed in his grave, then he is in the first stage of the Hereafter, because the grave is the first of the stages of the Hereafter. It was narrated that Hani’, the freed slave of ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan, may Allaah be pleased with them, said: "When ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan.. More

  • The World of Jinn -I

    The Quran and Sunnah (Prophet's sayings and actions) indicate that the jinn exist, and that there is a purpose for their existence in this life, which is to worship Allah Alone, with no partner or associate. Almighty Allah Says (what means): "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [Quran 51:56] and also (what means):.. More

  • The World of Jinn -II

    Jinn: Muslims and non-Muslims Almighty Allah tells us in the Noble Quran that some of the jinn said (what means): "And among us are Muslims [in submission to Allah], and among us are the unjust. And whoever has become Muslim — those have sought out the right course. But as for the unjust, they will be, for Hell, firewood.’" [Quran.. More

  • The plight of the People of Hell

    Hell has various levels and degrees of torment. In some of them, the torment and horror is greater than the others. The people who are to be doomed to enter Hell will be given different levels of punishment according to the deeds they used to do during their worldly life. The worse one's deeds were in the worldly life the lowest one's level will be.. More

  • Scenes from the Hereafter

    The Exposure Mankind, from Adam, may Allaah exalt his mention, to the last man to be created, will be exposed before their Lord-Allah Almighty- for judgment, as He, The Most Exalted, Says (what means): “And they shall be presented before their Lord in rows.” [Quran 18: 48] The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said, “Mankind will.. More

  • Belief in the Hereafter

    Belief in the Hereafter is one of the six pillars of Islamic belief required of a Muslim in order to complete his faith. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, informed us about the events of the unseen which will occur after death. This fundamental belief is only completed when one has firm faith in his heart in all those matters about which.. More

  • A dialogue with Satan

    Deep at night, I had this dialogue with Satan. Shortly, I heard the Fajr (dawn) prayer call. I wanted to go to the mosque. He said: “The night is still long, so take a nap.” I said: “I’m afraid I’ll miss my obligatory prayer!” He said: “There is much time to go ” I said: “I&rs.. More

  • The Signs of the Hour

    The Noble Quran and Prophetic narrations contain many references to the Hour (Day of Judgement) and both the major and minor signs which foretell its coming. Herein is a brief summary of the signs of the Day of Judgement. There are many books, articles, and sites etc., which discuss these in greater detail. These Signs are roughly listed in a chronological.. More

  • The eternal enemy - I

    Mu‘ath came on time to meet Shaykh Yoosuf as usual to learn something new about adherence to Islam. Shaykh Yoosuf met him with much affection and cheerfulness and they sat together. Shaykh Yoosuf began to speak, saying, “How are you, Mu‘ath?” Mu‘ath replied with a smile, “Very well, Shaykh Yoosuf. And you?” Shaykh.. More

  • A Glimpse of Paradise - II

    The greatest pleasure of the dwellers of Paradise will be the sight of their Lord. When the dwellers of Paradise see Him, they will forget everything, including all the types of pleasure that they had previously enjoyed. The bounty of seeing Allah in Paradise is one of its distinct features, and is a means of Allah The Almighty honoring its dwellers: {&ldqu.. More

  • A Glimpse of Paradise - I

    Allah The Almighty has created Paradise for His believing slaves; He has created in it pleasures that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard of, and no mind could ever comprehend. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Allah, the Exalted, has said: `I have prepared.. More

  • The Emergence of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog)

    During the reign of Prophet 'Eesa (Jesus) may Allah exalt his mention, who will descend at the end of time before Doomsday, people will live an extremely peaceful life filled with prosperity and abundance. Then the wall which imprisons Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog, who are the tribes which inhabited the land behind two huge mountains) will break.. More

  • Soul's Journey after Death- V

    What can the Living Do to Rescue the Dead Person from Punishment? Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said,'When a man dies, his actions cease except for three things: a charity which goes on, knowledge which continues to benefit people or a righteous son who makes supplication for him.' [Ahmad] There are many things which the living can.. More

  • The Soul's Journey after Death -I

    The Soul's Journey after Death Allah, the Most Exalted, Says in the Quran (what means): "Then why, when it [i.e. the soul at death] reaches the throat. And you are at that time looking on. And We [i.e. Our angels] are nearer to him than you, but you do not see." [Quran 56-85] When someone dies, the Angel of Death comes to take his soul,.. More


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