There are 8 articles

  • The Reality of Tawheed and Its Connection to Outward and Inward Actions

    The foundation, essence, and ultimate goal of the religion is the oneness of Allah (Tawheed) and devoting all worship to Him. This begins with the declaration of the two testimonies of faith (Shahadatan): the testimony that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Through these, a person enters Islam... More

  • Belief in the divine scriptures

    The Holy Quran is the Divine Book - the miracle revealed to Muhammadfrom Allah. As Muslims, we say: “There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger.” The Quran is a book that could not have been compiled by any human being, nor could it have been revealed by anyone but Allah. Therefore, anyone.. More

  • The light of the truth

    What Is Life? Man's existence in this world and the creation of this entire universe are not mere accidents or products of a fortuitous nature. This universe, every single atom of it, manifests and leads us to the realization of a Loving, Merciful and All-powerful Creator. Without a Creator, nothing can exist. Every single human being is aware that.. More

  • Dominance of the Quran over previous Scriptures

    Allah, the Almighty, revealed the Quran to be His last, all-embracing Scripture containing the final manifestation of the Divine Law. This necessitates that it has to be safeguarded from the mischievous hands of men and from all corruption. This protection has been a reality from the time the Quran was revealed until today and will remain so forever... More

  • The known existing Books of Allah -I

    In today's fast-paced world, it is a must for manufacturers of almost every product - from state-of-the-art microwave ovens to space age automobiles, from sophisticated sewing machines to powerful fighter jets, and from highly functional refrigerators to intelligent mainline computer systems - to provide a manual for the users' benefit. In light of.. More

  • Preservation of the Quran Against Distortion

    The Noble Quran is unlike the other divinely revealed Books for Allah The Almighty has undertaken to preserve it against distortion and change. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its guardian.} [Quran 15: 9] Scholars said that Allah The Almighty has protected it from the least additions.. More

  • The known existing Books of Allah- II

    The preservation of the Quran: The Quran is the Book of Allah and the last revelation which abrogated the previous divine books. There is no doubt that this book is preserved from any alteration and falsification. It was transmitted to the Muslims, generation by generation, by absolute evidences. Since its revelation it was kept intact in its written.. More

  • Facts & misunderstandings about the Bible

    In the Quran Allah informs us that He revealed a number of books, including the pages of Prophet Abraham (Ibraaheem, may Allah exalt his mention), the Psalms of Prophet David (Daawood, may Allah exalt his mention), the Torah of Prophet Moses (Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention), the Injeel (Gospel) of Prophet Jesus (‘Eesaa, may Allah exalt his.. More


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