There are 36 articles

  • Rulings on Interaction with Marriageable Men - II

    Impermissibility of exposing the arms Some women often say that they have heard some scholars telling that the woman who exposes her arms in her house will have them burned on the Day of Resurrection. It should be noted that some women make sleeves of their clothes up to the wrists and sometimes up to the elbows. What is the ruling.. More

  • Incorporating the stepfather into the family

    By: Jamilah Rasheed A new husband brings support and stability to a family. Unfortunately, the woman’s children often feel left out of the decision making process and may resent this new person getting the attention that they felt was theirs. A balance needs to be made that will make the transition from single parent to a two parent unit a productive.. More

  • Governesses and Maids Substitute Mothers

    Employing governesses and maids is a widespread phenomenon nowadays in many homes throughout the Arab world. Some of them have become substitutes for mothers despite the fact that often they do not speak Arabic, and sometimes they are non-Muslims. All these factors have dire consequences for our children’s future. Today, we see families willingly.. More

  • The Mother-in-Law: A Mercy or a Curse?

    No sane person can deny the great role of the mother, especially the role that she plays in the life of her children providing them with care, love and compassion, and the difficulty and fatigue that accompany this. Hence, Allah The Exalted commands us to be good to parents by speaking kindly to them and lowering to them the wing of humility out of.. More

  • Help! The kinfolk are in town

    By: Michelle Al-Nasr Are you someone who freaks out when the family drops in at a moments notice, or informs you that they will be camping out in your house for months on end? It is a time that can really be stressful for everyone, and sometimes it can even cause so much stress that family ties arc broken. Camping-in kin The Prophet, sallallaahu.. More

  • Her Relations with Men

    Being in seclusion Obedience to Allah can only be achieved by following His commands and keeping away from what He Has prohibited. One way in which the Muslim woman obeys Allah and His Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is by not sitting in seclusion with a "non-Mahram" because it is prohibited on the basis of the narration in.. More


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