There are 25 articles

  • Youth loved by Allah - I

    Twenty-year-old Kareem sat before a Shaykh in the neighborhood mosque after listening to his touching speech about the sweetness of worship. The following dialogue took place between them: Kareem: As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum, How are you Shaykh? May I talk to you for a short time? Shaykh: Wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh... More

  • What Ails Women who Act like Men? - II

    • Mass media and blind imitation: People imitate and internalize what is depicted on television through serials and movies. Such media spreads misleading and deviated ideas that tempt women and encourage them to rebel against religion and sound principles and to reject the guardianship of men, and ask for their "freedom". They also.. More

  • What Ails Women who Act like Men? - I

    We all know that women are protected jewels and are distinguished from men by their softness and gentleness. Islam elevated the status of women and made them equal to men with regard to many rights and duties. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Women are peers to men.” However, unfortunately many women do not consider.. More

  • Stopping the cycle of disobedience

    First, parents need to make their intention for the sake of Allah and remind themselves that they are disciplining their children to help them do their Islamic duty towards their parents and their family. Teaching a child to listen is not just about establishing parental authority or showing the child who's boss, it is basically about helping them do.. More

  • Before Marriage and the Period of Betrothal

    Betrothal The family is born in the same way that a child is born, and the period of pregnancy with that new baby might be long or short according to the conditions and possibilities. The expected baby is healthy in proportion to the proper care given to it, healthy nutrition with which it is fed, the parents’ awareness of ailments that might.. More

  • Self-Help and Recovery

    Acknowledge what is wrong Acknowledging a problem is the first step towards finding a solution or a cure for it. Sometimes a bad habit is like a black mark on one's face, it is apparent to everybody except oneself. Assess yourself: How often do you catch yourself using abusive words? Are there particular times when you use bad language more than.. More

  • An Urgent Call from Europe for Separation of the Sexes in Schools

    It seems that the ethos that has prevailed in the West for decades which considered that all-girl schools are old-fashioned has recently begun to change. This is especially so after some people have become more convinced that the idea of the separation of the sexes in schools is not only good in and of itself, but that it also leads to better student.. More

  • Sex and the single Muslimah

    BY MICHELLE AL-NASR Okay folks, here it is. Let’s talk about what no one else wants to discuss. Single women and sex...yes, it’s the “S” word. And, I am sure we’ll get a little more graphic as we move right along in this article. I am about to be outright straightforward on this subject, so those with a weak stomach may.. More

  • Advice to women regarding marriage – I

    Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: “If a man whose religious commitment and moral conduct you approve of proposes for marriage to your daughter, then marry her to him; otherwise, trials will prevail and great corruption will spread upon the earth.” [At-Tirmithi &.. More

  • Advice to women regarding marriage – II

    What to do upon receiving a proposal: The young woman should pray Istikhaarah (i.e., the Prayer of Guidance) and not to ask others to pray it on her behalf, as some women do, as this is a baseless act and an innovation in the religion. Furthermore, she should seek the advice of trustworthy people and inquire about the person. Imaam Ahmad, may Allah.. More


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