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  2. Health & Science

There are 20 articles

  • Ebola cases could reach 1.4m next year

    Ebola cases could reach 1.4 million by late January 2015, up from the current total of 5,800, according to a new study by a US medical agency. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report on Tuesday suggesting that Ebola cases could increase to between 550,000 and 1.4 million in four months, based on several factors including.. More

  • New coronavirus can spread between humans, says WHO official

    World Health Organization expert plays down fears of pandemic, saying prolonged contact is needed to transmit disease. A World Health Organization (WHO) official has said it seems likely that a new coronavirus that has killed at least 18 people in the Middle East and Europe can be passed between humans, but only after prolonged contact. A virus from.. More

  • Diseases rife amid Syria drug shortages

    Water-borne diseases are spreading in Syria, compounding the problems of hospitals that are perilously short of medicine and doctors after nearly two years of fighting, the World Health Organization says. The country's health ministry has run out of trauma treatments made in factories in opposition areas to help the increasing numbers of burn victims.. More

  • Physical inactivity kills 5 million a year: report

    A third of the world's adults are physically inactive, and the couch potato lifestyle kills about five million people every year, experts said in the medical journal The Lancet recently. "Roughly three of every 10 individuals aged 15 years or older - about 1.5 billion people - do not reach present physical activity recommendations," they.. More

  • Study shows spanking boosts odds of mental illness

    People who were hit or spanked as children face higher odds of mental ailments as adults, including mood and anxiety disorders and problems with alcohol and drug abuse, researchers said Monday. The study, led by Canadian researchers, is the first to examine the link between psychological problems and spanking, while excluding more severe physical or.. More

  • Modified killer T-cells wipe out leukemia: US study

    A breakthrough therapy to modify patients' T-cells into potent tumor-killing agents has helped three leukemia sufferers stay cancer-free for a year, US researchers said Wednesday. The findings are the first to show how gene transfer therapy can make specialized T-cells, which guard the body from infection, that attack cancerous tumors in advanced cases.. More

  • Global diabetes numbers at all-time high

    The number of adults who have been diagnosed with diabetes worldwide has more than doubled since 1980 to 347 million, a far larger number than previously thought, a new study has found. An international team of researchers working with the World Health Organization has found that the rates of diabetes have either risen or, at best, remained essentially.. More

  • Arctic ice melt 'alarming'

    Ice in Greenland and the rest of the Arctic is melting dramatically faster than was earlier projected and could raise global sea levels by as much as 1.6 meters by 2100, says a new study. The study released on Tuesday by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) said there is a "need for greater urgency" in fighting global warming.. More

  • Alcohol drink blamed for oral cancer rise

    Alcohol is largely to blame for an "alarming" rise in the rate of oral cancers among men and women in their forties, say experts. Numbers of cancers of the lip, mouth, tongue and throat in this age group have risen by 26% in the past decade. Alcohol consumption has doubled since the 1950s and is the most likely culprit alongside smoking,.. More

  • Exercise preserves, builds heart muscle

    Consistent lifelong exercise preserves heart muscle in the elderly to levels that match or even exceed that of healthy young sedentary people, a surprising finding that underscores the value of regular exercise training, according to a new study. The first study to evaluate the effects of varying levels of lifelong exercise on heart mass was presented.. More

  • Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'

    A small daily dose of aspirin - 75mg - substantially reduces death rates from a range of common cancers, a study suggests. Research at Oxford University and other centers found that it cut overall cancer deaths by at least a fifth. The study, published in the Lancet, covered some 25,000 patients, mostly from the UK. Experts say the findings show.. More

  • Evolutionary claims about antibiotic resistance and immunity

    Evolutionists propose that the resistance that bacteria develop against antibiotics, and the immunity that some insects develop against DDT are evidence for evolution. They claim that these are examples of acquired resistance and immunity, brought about by mutations that took place in the living things exposed to these substances. In both bacteria.. More

  • Five minutes in the green can improve mental health

    Just five minutes of exercise a day in the great outdoors can improve mental health, according to a study released on Saturday, and policymakers should encourage more people to spend time in parks and gardens. Researchers from the University of Essex found that as little as five minutes of a "green activity" such as walking, gardening, cycling.. More

  • Common painkillers can lead to hearing loss

    Loud music or noise isn't the only thing that can damage your hearing. A new study in men hints that popping over-the-counter painkillers regularly can also lead to hearing loss, especially in younger men. In the study, researchers found that men younger than age 50 who regularly took acetaminophen more than two times a week had roughly double the.. More

  • Inquiries about Swine Flu

    In an interview with the "Raya" Qatari newspaper, Dr. Abu Bakr Ash-Shaafi'i, an advisor of otolaryngology at Al-‘Imaadi hospital in Qatar, said that swine flu is a severe, extremely infectious chest disease that infects pigs. It is produced from one of the A virus subtypes of swine flu. Although the rate of disease outbreak is high,.. More


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