There are 2024 articles

  • The Angels and human beings - II

    The emissaries of Allah to His Messengers and Prophets: Allah has told us that Jibreel (Gabriel)  may  Allaah  exalt  his  mention is the only one who carries out this mission through the verse (which means): "Say [O Muhammad]: 'Whatever is an enemy to Jibreel (Gabriel)-it is [none but] he who has brought it [i.e. the Quran] down upon your heart,.. More

  • Obama: Doomed to disappoint

    Barack Obama gave a major speech on the Middle East on Thursday, May 19, and it is clear from the subsequent commentary that he impressed few people. The main reason for this is that he did not say much new or indicate that there would be any serious changes in US policy in the region. It was essentially more of the same with some tweaking here and.. More

  • Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - II

    Islam realizes the natural inclination toward stories, due to their magical effect on the hearts, and thus, endorses listening to them as a method of upbringing and rectifying. [Awlaaduna Akbaaduna] Stories attract the children in their early years and gain their preference over other types of entertainment, because they leave a clear effect on their.. More

  • Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - I

    A mother said, "I have a friend who is married and has two children, aged five and six. On one occasion when I visited them, she asked her children not to fiddle with the alarm clock that belonged to their father. However, the children did not pay attention to what their mother was saying." Therefore, I said to them, “Would you like.. More

  • Assad's regime of torture

    President Assad reaffirms his father's legacy by quelling dissent with brute force. As the fists and boots and sticks pummeled his body and bloodied his face, the college student screamed out what he thought his interrogators wanted to hear: The name of Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad. It worked. The secret policemen tired of beating him for the.. More

  • Polygyny, or Multiple Girlfriends?

    This article attempts to deal with a marital problem which is connected with conduct, namely, the deviation of the husband, or infidelity. We believe that, many a time, if a man asks to marry another woman or looks at other than his wife, he is actually in real need of a second marriage. What, then, is more honorable: marrying another woman or committing.. More

  • Rape of women in DR Congo 'tops 1000 a day'

    More than 1,100 women are raped every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), making sexual violence against women 26 times more common than previously thought, a study has concluded. More than 400,000 women and girls between the ages of 15 to 49 were raped in the war-ravaged country in central Africa during a 12-month period in 2006 and 2007,.. More

  • UN: Libyan refugee crisis worsening

    The UN has said that almost 40,000 people have fled fighting in Libya's Western Mountains region in the past month. Thousands of ethnic Berbers from Libya fled into Tunisia after a brief hiatus in their exodus last week because of fighting between Gaddafi troops and opposition forces for control of a border crossing point. "This past weekend,.. More

  • North Korea 'holding 200,000 prisoners'

    Amnesty International says new satellite images and testimony from a former inmate show North Korea is holding around 200,000 people in its huge network of political prison camps where torture is rampant and conditions near slavery. The human rights group based in London released on Wednesday recent satellite photos which show four of six camps located.. More

  • Arctic ice melt 'alarming'

    Ice in Greenland and the rest of the Arctic is melting dramatically faster than was earlier projected and could raise global sea levels by as much as 1.6 meters by 2100, says a new study. The study released on Tuesday by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) said there is a "need for greater urgency" in fighting global warming.. More

  • The story of Prophet Ibraaheem –II

    Ibraheem Smashes the Idols When Ibraheem, may Allaah exalt his mention, recognised that his father and people would not give up worshipping their idols, he left his father’s house and abandoned his people and what they worshiped. He, may Allaah exalt his mention, decided to do something about their state of disbelief, but did not reveal it. He,.. More

  • Deraa: A city under a dark siege

    As darkness fell across it, Deraa was a city under siege. Tanks and troops control all roads in and out. Inside the city, shops are shuttered and nobody dare walk the once bustling market streets, today transformed into the kill zone of rooftop snipers. Trapped and terrified inside their homes, families are running low on food and drinking water,.. More

  • 'Guantanamo files': Dozens held were innocent

    The United States released dozens of so-called "high-risk" detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison facility and held more than 150 innocent men for years, according to new reports about a trove of leaked military documents. The more than 700 classified military files, part of a massive cache of secret documents leaked to the whistle-blowing.. More

  • Inside Dar'aa

    The only outside visitors the people of Daraa are allowed to receive these days are friends and family attending funerals. To access the city where Syria's uprising began, a local reporter simply had to tell the guards at the first checkpoint the truth: The husband of his wife's cousin had been killed while protesting for freedom and he was there to.. More

  • Developing the Child's Sentiments - II

    - Chastity and Sincerity Allah The Almighty mentioned in His Book that one of the characteristics of the faithful believers is their refraining from committing what is unlawful. He Says (what means): {And they who guard their private parts except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed.} [Quran 23:5-6].. More