There are 2024 articles

  • Global diabetes numbers at all-time high

    The number of adults who have been diagnosed with diabetes worldwide has more than doubled since 1980 to 347 million, a far larger number than previously thought, a new study has found. An international team of researchers working with the World Health Organization has found that the rates of diabetes have either risen or, at best, remained essentially.. More

  • 'You' and 'I': The Art of Communication in Marital Life – II

    There is a huge difference between a positive statement such as: "I always look forward to you returning home in the evening to see you and talk to you", and a negative one such as: "You never care to listen to me even when we meet in the evening." The use of the pronoun "I" in conversation is more influential and more.. More

  • Israel escalates demolitions of Palestinian homes in West Bank

    Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has issued a new report detailing the government’s dramatic escalation in the number of Palestinian home demolitions in the Jordan Valley, part of the eastern West Bank. According to the report, the Israeli government has demolished 103 homes there so far this year, after 86 were demolished in all of.. More

  • Gaza unemployment levels 'among worst in world'

    Gaza's unemployment rate was among the world's highest, at 45.2% in late 2010, the UN has found, as Israel's blockade of the territory enters its fifth year. Real wages meanwhile fell by more than a third, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said. Its report says that private businesses have been hardest hit by the continuing.. More

  • From street seller to global statesman

    For those living in the Istanbul neighborhood where Recep Tayyip Erdogan grew up, Turkey's leader is still "one of us". As a politician, he is Turkey's most successful prime minister of modern times, a man who stepped out of a prison cell to lead his party to three straight election victories, at the same time raising Turkey's profile on.. More

  • Our Highly Economical Home - II

    Methods to Economize on Electrical Appliances: Allah The Exalted has bestowed knowledge upon humans and as a result of this knowledge there are modern inventions that have made chores easier, resulting in greatly reducing human exertion, thereby freeing up time for other things. Therefore, electrical appliances should be maintained and well taken.. More

  • Our Highly Economical Home - I

    The economics of a Muslim home are based upon a group of values and foundations that distinguish it from any other home; and these are: * Faith that its wealth belongs to Allah The Almighty, and the members of the family are merely temporary trustees for it, Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that.. More

  • Libyan kids maimed by war remnants

    On May 31, 2011, UNICEF Communication Specialist Rebecca Fordham boarded the relief boat carrying two boys injured from explosive remnants of the war in Libya. She also participated in workshops to raise awareness and protect children from these horrific weapons of war in the conflict-affected eastern Libya. This is her first-hand account. I witnessed.. More

  • "Massacre": Yemeni forces kill 20 protesters as sit-in smashed

    Forces loyal to the embattled Yemeni president killed 20 protesters as they dispersed a sit-in in Taez, an organizer said on Monday. Security service agents backed by army and Republican Guard troops stormed the protest against President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Freedom Square in the centre of Yemen's second-largest city during the night, shooting at.. More

  • Terrors of the Grave - II

    The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “I said to them [the two angels who came to him (in a dream) and awakened him and said to him: ‘Proceed!']: ‘I have seen many wonders tonight. What does all that I have seen mean?’ They replied: ‘We will inform you: as for the first man you came upon whose.. More

  • Terrors of the Grave - I

    How different, dear readers, are those who are tortured from those who are blessed in their graves! How different, dear readers, is he who previews the Mercy of Allah The Almighty, from him who previews His Wrath in the grave. I want you, dear reader, to imagine these scenes and envision them with your entire soul. Here are some images related to.. More

  • The price of return

    The May 15 Nakba protests took a toll on one family in particular, losing a son who made the ultimate sacrifice. Seventeen-year-old Mohammed al-Saleh grew up in Burj al-Shemali refugee camp in south Lebanon, caring little about politics and more about sport. However, when it came to Palestine, Mohamed's 16-year-old cousin, also named Mohammed, described.. More

  • Syrian abuses are 'crimes against humanity'

    The nature and scale of human rights abuses by Syrian security forces in the crackdown on anti-government protesters over the past two months could qualify as crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said. In a statement released on Wednesday, the New York-based rights body said interviews with victims andwitnesses indicate "systematic.. More

  • Syria's crackdown: Why did Fawaz die?

    Fawaz al-Haraki had only minutes to live. As the shots rang out, Abu Haidar and the other protesters ran for cover, grimly familiar with what to do when the mukhabberat (secret police) attacked. But Fawaz fell, the blood soaking his trousers where the bullet from a Syrian secret policeman had torn into his leg. It was Friday April 22 in the industrial.. More

  • Obama to Israel: Take whatever you want

    In 2008, Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate, pandered to pro-Israeli voters and Israel by promising in a speech addressed to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), that Jerusalem would forever remain "the undivided capital of Israel". Three years later, Obama is on another pre-campaign trail in order to improve.. More