There are 16 articles

  • Watch Your Way

    By: A group of articles by Mr. Mahmoud Mohamed Shaker Since Islam religion was revealed on Earth, it spread north, south, east, and west, crossing the boundaries of the surrounding countries. Islam has cleansed and purged many countries from polytheism, atheism, and calling for gods other than Allah. However, enmity has always gathered against Islam.. More

  • Gaining Victory through the Weak Is an Unforgettable Arrow and an Unfailing Promise

    Praise be to Allah and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. Seeking victory (Nusrah) means asking Allah for victory and support. The means by which victory can be achieved are of two kinds: First kind: Tangible material means. This is the kind referred to in the Saying of Allah, The Exalted (which means): {And prepare against them.. More

  • Building the Man of the Future

    Author: Dr. Lateefah Shaaheen An-Nu‘aymi Excessive playing of video games and spending long hours in front of screens during home quarantine doubled the fears of families regarding the health hazards and psychological damage resulting from addiction of video games – whose popularity generates huge profits for the biggest companies in the.. More

  • Giving sincere advice

    The giving of sincere advice enjoys a sublime and exalted position in Islam, and how could this not be so? The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, considered the giving of sincere advice on a par with the religion as whole. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Religion is giving sincere advice.” A person would give sincere.. More

  • Women in Da'wah - III

    Training in the field of Da'wah: On the theoretical side of this step, training women to work in the field of Da'wah (call to Islam) may need to consider the following aspects: - Educational preparation through providing a good presentation of appropriate materials. - Psychological preparation by ensuring that the women callers have faith.. More

  • Women in Da'wah - II

    A definite role The work of the Muslim woman in the field of Da'wah (call to Islam) strengthens the man's work, and expands it into areas where her effectiveness supersedes that of the man. The woman's role does not end at door. She can be greatly effective by being a good example to others, by being good-hearted, kindly spoken, and of friendly conduct... More

  • Women in Da'wah (Call to Islam) - I

    From the very beginning of the Islamic history, Muslim women have played vital roles in the propagation of the Divine Message (Islam). From the sacrifices of Sumayyah, may Allaah be pleased with her, to the collected Ahadeeth [narrations of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam] of 'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, women have been instrumental.. More

  • The weakness of Muslims: The causes and the cure

    Allah Almighty has promised victory for this Ummah (Muslim nation), even if it be after a long stretch of time. Unfortunately, the Ummah today is passing through a bitter state of division, discord and weakness, incurring regress and humiliation, so much so that the heart of any Muslim is painfully affected. But this should not cause us to forget Allah’.. More

  • Raising new Muslim generations

    The greatest concern of the conversant Muslim reformer is to raise a new Muslim generation that deserves to be named the 'victorious generation'. This is the top priority of our nation. A generation that brings Islam to its pure springs, understands it rightly and completely, free from redundancy and blemishes. It is not an Islam of myths in its doctrines,.. More

  • The problems facing modern civilization

    A contemporary commentator once observed that just as perversion has set in Western society, it has also taken root in Muslim society. Then how do you regard Western civilization as being wrong and Islamic civilization as being right? This objection, if we examine it, will be found to be ill judged, because our comparison of Western and Islamic civilization.. More

  • Despite Obstacles, Islam Continues to Spread

    Since the advent of Islam, as the final and all-compassing Message to mankind up to the moment, its adversaries left no opportunity to thwart it and curb its followers. Right from day one, they did their level best to kill it in the bud using different ways. Due to the fact that this new religion holds all people equal in terms of rights, duties, human.. More

  • A Drowning Man’s Story - II

    We decided go to the beach before sunrise to enjoy swimming before the beach became crowded and full of sights that can affect one's faith negatively. However, this group of young men preceded us to the beach and when we reached there we found something completely unexpected. One of the young men met us, screaming, “He is drowning!” We.. More

  • A Drowning Man’s Story - I

    This is a true story and I witnessed the events myself. I narrate it hoping that it may contain some lessons for whoever wants something that draws him near to Allah The Almighty. Like other young men in secondary school, I was under the pressures of studies and getting good grades, so, I decided, with some of my good and righteous friends, to go.. More

  • Spreading the truth in hostile environment

    Question Assalamu alaykum Scholars, I, praise be to Allah, am a practicing Muslim who has been living in KSA for the last 10 years. I am from India. In the last 10 years or so, I have collected more than 3000 authentic books on Islam from Makkah, Madinah, Riyadh, Bahrain, Doha, and Jeddah. These books are in India now. I collected these books from.. More

  • Suffering in the Path of Da'wah

    Suffering is well-nigh an inescapable phenomenon for the Islamic movement of old and new, the reason being that Islam is a call to rebel against the institutions, thoughts and customs of ignorance (pre-Islamic era) in all its forms and shapes. This characteristic which distinguishes Islam has made the Islamic movement more susceptible to suffering. Suffering.. More


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