1. Women
  2. Misconceptions

Allegations against Muslim Women - II

Allegations against Muslim Women - II

Third Allegation: Co-education for young children

Some people call for co-education for young children claiming that this not does not harm them or affect them negatively at all, and that women make better teachers for young children as they have the skill and tact to deal with them.


• This is only the first step, then it will become easy for some people to allow co-education throughout the long stages of academic life; it would just start the ball rolling. Islam has set some fixed rules and basic principles that cannot be changed in any way; Islam has also forbidden any potential trickery and has even ordered eliminating the means that lead to unfavorable results.

• Intermixing between the sexes, whether in education or anywhere else, is a Masonic idea and is completely alien to the Muslim nation. Actually, it is much more harmful to our nation than the direct call for removing Hijab (Islamic covering) and allowing impermissible exposure of women's beauty; since it includes the harms of removing the Hijab and much more.

• It is evident and experimentally proven that as the child starts growing up, he looks forward to learning from the age of six. He studies and memorizes his lessons with great eagerness to learn more and acquire greater knowledge at that age and even before that age. Islam urges parents to order their seven-year-old children to pray. Moreover, boys and girls should have separate beds at the age of ten. By the age of ten, the child’s natural instincts start becoming aroused and he begins to become aware of the world around him.

Research has shown that some children actually reach puberty at the age of nine. Besides, some students might experience academic failure in their primary educational phase and might reach the age of twelve or maybe more (which is the beginning of the adolescent phase) while still being in primary education.

• Statistics coming from the countries that allow intermixing between the sexes show significantly high rates of illicit sexual relations and homosexuality among young children, as well as high rates of pregnancy among pre-adolescent and adolescent girls. Intermixing between the sexes is something that men [in the West] are quite familiar with, and that is why women [considering it a sign of progress] wanted to go against their nature and intermix with men. The greater the degree of the intermixing between the sexes is, the more illegitimate children come into existence, and herein lies the real catastrophe for women.

• Co-education results in weakness in the level of educational attainment. Whoever visits mixed universities or views their results easily notices this.

Some writers visited a school in Belgium and noticed that all its students were girls, and when they asked the principal, she answered, “We have experienced the harm resulting from intermixing between the sexes even at the level of primary education.”
According to estimates, probably 45 percent of school girls lose their virginity before finishing their education; and the rates increase at higher levels of education.

Fourth Allegation: Intermixing between the sexes lessens the libido

Advocates of intermixing between the sexes claim that it lessens the sex drive of both men and women.


• On the contrary, intermixing between the sexes agitates the sex drive of both men and women. If this claim were correct, in the case of husbands and wives who spend so much time together, it would be expected that their sex drive would gradually fade away until it vanishes completely. However, reality proves that what happens is exactly the opposite; their sex drives remain as long as they are both mentally and physically healthy.

This hypothesis is proven wrong day after day in societies where intermixing between the sexes is allowed with no limits of any kind; the sex drive of both men and women there significantly increases. Some reports show that 90 percent of unmarried women in the USA and Europe indulge in illicit sexual relations constantly or occasionally.

• However, the claim could be true to some extent, despite the fact that a strong libido can be hard to tame. It is quite probable that such social experiments would result in achieving what they aim at, but what can one call such an aim? Is not the ultimate outcome sexual dysfunction? If a man sees a woman without feeling what a normal man feels, and without experiencing any physical and sexual changes, that would result in a state of sexual arousal without the opportunity to release it properly. Will this not lead to sexual dysfunction? Is this not a disease, for which people seek treatment? How could one set such a disease as a desirable aim to tame the libido? What would happen if all men and women lost their libidos? What would happen if men and women lost their sexual attraction towards each other? Certainly, they would not have the strong impulse that drives them to have [permissible] sexual intercourse; does this not mean the end of the world?

The strength of libido is a means of having healthier and better offspring, and likewise a weak libido means weak and less healthy offspring.

One of the perilous outcomes of sexual dysfunction could be the spread of homosexuality. The man who normally reached a state of sexual arousal when seeing a woman’s body, but now does not, would certainly seek alternative scenes and positions that would make him sexually aroused instead. This deprives a man of his masculinity; he feels hurt and humiliated deep down inside him and this drives him to try to obtain his lost sexual satisfaction by any means. He might resort to indulging in sexual fantasies or prostitutes or seek his sexual satisfaction in other abnormal and strange methods in a desperate attempt to recover his lost masculinity. He could turn to drugs, crime or several other hazardous pursuits that might satisfy his unfulfilled desires and prove his masculinity one way or another.

• The outcomes of intermixing between the sexes in the West recorded by their own scientists:

An American psychologist from Chicago, says, “Commercial advertisements picturing nude women are the reason behind the decline in the level of sexuality among Americans.

Intermixing between the sexes has caused a major upheaval in the structure of British society; mannish women, who have abandoned their femininity for masculinity are regarded as a third gender. It is a gender that is neither a man in nature or figure, nor a woman in looks and behavior; but something in between."



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