Essential skills for a Muslim household

Essential skills for a Muslim household

Every Muslim family ought to learn different useful household skills, the fruitful rewards of which will be reaped by the whole family. There is no doubt that knowledge of household skills saves a great deal of time, effort and money. Household skills are gained by practice, if a genuine motivation and desire exists to gain these skills, along with a solid foundation of education and knowledge.

To gain household skills the following things are required:
·        Following the best methods from the beginning (even if they are difficult).
·        Focusing whole-heartedly on the training required to gain skills.
·        Allocating sufficient time in which to practice the skill so as to gain precision in it.
·        Reaching a state of precision through persistence, determination, and insight.
Some of the important skills that a Muslim home can benefit from are:
Cooking: The art of cooking is one of the major skills that a Muslim woman should be concerned with, and there is no limit to the progress she can make in this field. Having acquired such a skill, a woman can vary the menu for household meals to avoid repeating the same dishes, include new, innovative recipes keeping in mind the health and nutrition of the family, while saving a large portion of the household budget by avoiding eating out.
Cooking involves basically eight methods:
1.   Boiling
2.   Roasting
3.   Steaming
4.   Carving/Cutting
5.   Sautéing /Frying
6.   Broiling
7.   Low-heat simmering
8.   Pressure cooking
Kitchen Design:
The walls of modern kitchens are covered with ceramic tiles or oil-based paint to facilitate washing them. Kitchens should be organized and well-lit so as to make working in the kitchen more efficient.
A cabinet with glass doors should be fitted in the kitchen to organize small utensils [other people prefer many smooth running drawers for this; and wooden or wire basket shelves for safety reasons) and other types of shelves for heavy metal utensils. Some people use a table that is covered with a slab of polished marble, which is easy to clean. It is best to get heavy furniture fitted with wheels to make it easy to move when cleaning underneath.
Desserts: A Muslim woman can be inventive when making sweets; and create many different types such as cakes, pies, and tarts.
Pickling: Pickling vegetables at home saves a lot of money and is a better-option nutritionally when compared to ready-made pickles which contain excess salt and preservatives. There are many vegetables which can be pickled easily like turnips, cucumbers, carrots, onions, olives, lemons, and chilies.
Stocking supplies: It is important to know how to stock essential storable supplies. Some foods that can be stored in bulk are grains, beans, onions, garlic, potatoes, as well as other foods that are needed in the kitchen.
Freezing vegetables: Different vegetables can be frozen when they are in season and their prices are optimal, such as okra, mulukhiyyah (Jew's mallow), peas and green beans. These can be stored in the freezer or refrigerators, divided into meal-size portions and stored in plastic bags, then used all around the year.
Maintenance work: This includes maintaining and fixing electrical appliances, maintenance of faucets, and sink drains.
Other simple products: There are other items that can be made at home such as juices, jams and soap.

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