


There are 782 articles

  • Women's Issues between westernization and Islam

    Woman's issues and the internationalization of values Since the beginning of Amin's call, a century has passed during which the Western and Islamic worlds achieved extensive progress throughout the course of social, cultural and intellectual transformations. The interval between what was known as the call to liberate the Muslim woman in the past and.. More

  • My Child's Mistakes - II

    In this article, we will complete the guidelines of behavioral change to be followed so that we can make a real change in the behavior of our children, and convince them to help us make that change. 5- Listen to him attentively. In order for the adolescent to tell you about what is in his/her mind, you have to listen to him/her well to the end. By.. More

  • My Child's Mistakes - I

    This article deals with the erroneous parental behavior patterns in reaction to children’s mistakes. The majority of parents react to these mistakes, at the time they are made, with anger and the desire to exact retribution from the child, under the pretext of discipline. This is especially true when the mistake is recurrent, and, more precisely,.. More

  • Did Hijab Originate with Islam?

    Some people claim that Hijab (Islamic covering) was introduced after the advent of Islam and that it did not exist in Arabia or outside of it before the call of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Anyone who reads the Old Testament and the New Testament easily recognizes that the Hijab was known among the Hebrews since the time.. More

  • What a Strong Personality She Has!

    All praise is due to Allah The Almighty who exalted some women with strength of personality and therewith they surpassed peaks; and humiliated others with the opposite (weakness of personality) and therewith they hovered over mean vices. While some people are raised [by this characteristic] to the highest gardens, others laugh a little and then are.. More

  • Safeguarding the Muslim Home from Evil - II

    Obscene magazines and evil and poisonous newspapers: Indeed, a Muslim home should be free of such evils, and among the evils of our time are obscene magazines and newspapers. You should also not let your children read obscene magazines. Their ultimate aim is to exploit people’s desires selfishly to their own advantages. Their main focus is to.. More

  • Safeguarding the Muslim Home from Evil-I

    There are many evils from which Muslim homes should be far removed. The first evil that should be expelled from Muslim homes is Satan and his associates; Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze.} [Quran 35:6] One does not allow.. More

  • Foolishness

    Foolishness, in one of its many connotations, is the opposite of forbearance. It refers to a person’s impetuousness: his or her temper and indiscretion in even petty issues, as well as, a thirst for swift revenge, punishment and insults. There is no doubt that weak-mindedness is its cause. Foolishness manifests in both religious and worldly.. More

  • Evil consequences of intermixing between the sexes

    Intermixing between men and women is an extremely dangerous issue and a widespread evil. The evil and harm that afflicts societies that mix freely are the best proof of this. Hence, the opinion that comes after an experience and suffering is of great significance as it is preceded by experiencing both the consequences and the results - whether negative.. More

  • Does Islam degrade women?

    The image of the typical Muslim woman wearing the veil, forced to stay home, and forbidden to drive is all too common in most peoples' thoughts. The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the secular media. The ‘Hijab,’ or Islamic dress code for women, is cited by many as an example of the ‘subjugation’ of.. More

  • Safiyyah bint Huyayy: Descendant of Prophets

    Allah The Almighty granted Muslims a great victory over the Jews in the Battle of Khaybar, and Safiyyah, may Allah be pleased with her, was one of the captives in this battle. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said to her: "Your father remained the staunchest Jewish enemy to me until Allah The Almighty killed him. O Safiyyah,.. More

  • Fight laziness to maintain a happy marriage

    Sometimes, after a period of being married, women become lazy as they lose the desire to do anything. In medicine, laziness is defined as, “A state of drowsiness and disinclination to activity or exertion arising from stress and nervousness, with the accumulation of responsibilities and diverse concerns.” Field studies have proven that women.. More

  • Hidden Dangers in Raising Children - II

    Al-Ghazaali, may Allah have mercy upon him, said, “A child is a trust with his parents, and his heart is a pure jewel which does not have any inscriptions or images on it. It is susceptible to whatever is engraved on it and inclines to whatever it is inclined to. If he is used to evil and is left like the beasts, he will be miserable and doomed... More

  • Hidden Dangers in Raising Children-I

    We all know that many of us have been brought up in an environment of ignorance --this is an undeniable fact that is particularly true of the present generation. Most of us were raised by parents who viewed religion and religiosity as a superfluous or unnecessary matter, and felt that we should avoid the apparent aspects of religiosity as much as possible... More

  • Western women and marriage

    I am a psychiatrist and my job allows me to see the other face of our societies and mix with different types of people - both men and women. The nature of those who work in specializations such as mine necessitates caring for people’s problems. One of us may be walking down the street and notice things that passers by do not take notice of. I.. More