Part of earning from haram sources

27-1-2003 | IslamWeb


I have been working in the gas station for two years'that sells lottery and it was part of our work, I quit the work but my money could be from something haram. Part of the work we do is different, I'm afraid that there is hadith that says his food is haram,cloth is haram how will 'Allah' accept his du'a, what can I do so 'Allah' will forgive me?


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

We Praise Allah who has guided you to give up this work. We ask Allah to bless upon you and your money as well and grant you from His sustenance what pleases you. Since your forbidden work was only a part of other lawful acts, only the money you gained for the forbidden work is forbidden. You may estimate the portion of haram money by making comparison with the amount of other money that you gained for lawful acts such as selling gas etc. For example if you used to sell gas worth of 1,000 dollars and lottery worth of 100 Dollars that means ten percent of your money is unlawful. So, you should get rid of this amount by giving it to poor of need people.
However, if you spent the money before having the knowledge about the prohibition of this money then you have nothing to do.
Allah knows best.