Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy

6-1-2001 | IslamWeb


Please explain the order of shariah for the discharge that is excreted by the vagina during pregnancy as well. Is this discharge 'najis' (impure)? What method of purification is needed for women during their pregnancy?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

As for the chronic vaginal discharge, if this discharge continues, she should perform ablution at the beginning of the prescribed time of prayer and renew it if the prayer is delayed. She should wash her private parts, apply something absorbent to them, and then make ablution and perform the obligatory prayer and perform supererogatory prayers as much as she wishes.

Her ablution does not become nil if the discharge continues during the prayer. She should, however, repeat the ablution before praying in another prescribed prayer time. But if she combines two prayers, then she can perform both of them with one ablution only. If there is a usual pause in this discharge in which she can make ablution and perform prayer, then she should wait to that pause and perform the prayer during it. But if she fears the prescribed time of prayer will pass, then she should perform the prayer as mentioned above.

As for Tawaaf (Circumambulation of the Ka’bah) and Sa'y, she is not obliged to be in the state of ceremonial purity (ablution) for Sa'y. But she needs to be in the state of ceremonial purity to perform Tawaaf. So, the same rule mentioned in the case of Salah (prayer) is applied in regard to performing Tawaaf.

If the pause of vaginal discharge is sufficient to perform ablution and Tawaaf, then she should make ablution before Tawaaf. If she is afraid this pause will not be long enough to perform Tawaaf, then she should make ablution and if the discharge starts, she takes care of herself, and performs Tawaaf. The continuation of the discharge does not have any effect on Tawaaf. Her rule is the same as the one of the person who has chronic ritual impurity.

Allah Says (what means): {So fear Allah as much as you are able.} [Quran 64:16]

Allah also Says (what means): {Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity.} [Quran 2:286]

If this discharge is coming from the womb, then it is pure; i.e. she is not obliged to change her clothes. But the ablution is void.

If the discharge is from the bladder, then it is impure. So, she should wash the portion of the clothes affected with it.

If she does not find any object to clean her clothes from impurity and does not have any other clothes, then she can pray in those clothes and the prayer is valid. The same rule is applied for a person whose body becomes impure.

It should be noticed that all the mentioned rules are common for a pregnant woman and others who are facing similar problems.

Allah knows best.