Her husband talks to women on the Internet

26-2-2013 | IslamWeb


I am a convert to Islam Alhamdulillah. I am married to a practising Muslim Alhamdulilah. I have a problem.. He made some mistakes, talking to other woman online when i asked him not to. He even met one of them at her request.. I found out and forgave him and accepted his excuses, the problem is that i cannot forget. I am afraid now of his actions online.. He works away and cannot change this for now so we must keep contact online during the times we are apart, but i worry about what he does online constantly. It causes many arguments. It hurt me alot. Even though he did this to me and admitted his mistakes, he refuses to accept my doubt in him now and claims that i am hurting him constantly. He becomes angry at me, blaming me for having doubt in him and makes me feel i am the bad one and that I am hurting him.. . He is willing to accept he made mistakes but unwilling to accept the consequences and impact on our marriage. He says the shaytaan in me. :( what can i do about all this .. Please help .


All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

A man talking to non-Mahram women on the Internet or other means is a door to evil and corruption, as we have already discussed in Fatwa 81356.

If a wife discovers that her husband does so, she should advise him in a gentle manner and remind him of Allaah The Exalted. However, she should not continue to investigate whether or not he is continuing to do so. Also, she is not allowed to suspect him without evidence.

In addition to being forbidden, this leads you to doubts that would torment you and open the door to problems that you are certainly not in need of. The signs of this have already appeared in the way your relation with your husband has worsened.

Hence, you should treat him according to his external behaviour and leave what is inside his heart to Allaah. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 174781.

Finally, we advise you to supplicate Allaah to guide him, enable him to repent and turn him into a righteous man. We also advise you to beautify yourself for him and to be nice to him so that this would help him become more attached to you and not think about other women.

Allaah Knows best.
