A praying person reciting the Quran while listening to Quran audio

29-9-2009 | IslamWeb


Assalamualaikum Brother, Alhamdullilah I am memorizing Quran little by little.. and Inshallah.. I will complete it..with the help of Dua and Ihsan..... My Question is it ok to recite the Quran listening to Audio during the Prayer.. and the purpose is to improve and feel the Quran the way the reciter is recitating the Quran.. and You know what he is reciting.. and to help oneself to improve the Qiraat.. So that he can recite the Quran better.. even without the audio..


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.


You can follow recitation of the Quran from the recorder or other devices to improve your own recitation outside prayer, but this is impermissible inside it, as the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “…in the prayer one is truly occupied…” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] This Hadeeth means that one should concentrate on his prayer and contemplate on what he says without busying himself with anything else.

Undoubtedly, busying oneself with following recitation of the recorder detracts one from prayer even if the purpose is to improve his recitation.

Moreover, when you want to make Rukoo’ and then Sujood while the recorder is on, this will confuse you during Rukoo’, Sujood and the sitting between the two Sujoods.

On the other hand, if you occupied yourself with pausing the recorder before making Rukoo‘, then you have engaged in an act that is irrelevant to the acts of prayer, which may invalidate your prayer, particularly if this happened inside the five obligatory daily prayers. That is because an act that may be acceptable in the supererogatory prayers is not acceptable in the obligatory prayers.

Hence, we see that it is impermissible for you to do so during prayer. For further benefit, see Fatwa 124837.

Allaah Knows best.
