Can not perform prayers on time because of diabetes

4-6-2009 | IslamWeb


Sir, I am a born diabatic and ever since then whenever my sugar level goes down it does not help me in offering my prayers on time and whenever I feel normal I offer the Qaza for that prayer with the next coming one. this particulary happens in Fjar. Mornings are very tough when the time goes short for offering the prayer on time.So kindly advice me on the issue that how can overcome this serious issue in my life as I have read in a Hadith that the one who missess his Fajr prayer is amongst the hypocrates.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.


Undoubtedly, abandoning the Fajr prayer is one of the characteristics of hypocrisy as the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said: The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are the Fajr and ‘Ishaa’ prayers. But had they known the blessings they have in store, they would have come to them even if crawling (on their knees)." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

However, you did not clarify to us whether not performing the Fajr prayer is due to not waking up for it or that you wake up but you cannot perform it. In any case, what we can say is that in our view your disease is not a sound reason for abandoning the Fajr prayer. Indeed, many diabetic people perform the Fajr prayer in congregation in the mosque and they are the people who are most keen on performing the Fajr prayer in congregation. Therefore, you should endeavour to wake up for the Fajr prayer and you should take the means that would help you do this. If you wake up, you should perform it according to your ability as in the Prophetic narration: “Perform the prayer while standing and if you are unable, then pray sitting, and if again you are unable, then pray (while you are) lying down on one of your sides.” [Al-Bukhari]

If you take the proper means to wake up but you are unable due to the disease, then you are not sinful, however, you are obliged to make up for the prayer as soon as you wake up and you should not delay it until the Thuhr prayer.

For more benefit on some general advice that help to perform the prayer at its prescribed fixed time, please refer to Fatwa 88163.

Allaah Knows best.