Unlawful ways of treating magic

03/07/2011| IslamWeb


assalamualaikum.i first thank you for the wonderful work you are doing.i have 1 question,i have heard too much arguments about this n i would prefer a detailed answer for it as i have to convince many people afterwards:is it permissible to use rukya using numbers from ayat Quran and is it authentic that someone using ruqya should be able to know where the witchcraft object is and remove it,touch it and destroy it?what about one person telling the patient to read ayat al kursi and other surahs while he removes the object from the earth by digging a hole lighting a fire in it and reading?he can also identify where the object is.the person mentions a force coming from the belly.when he reads the ayats it has effect on patients. please i really need this as we don't have information on it. i would prefer if you please send me a private answer on my email address with all the neccessary information there is on this subject. i know it's not easy to answer but for Allah's sake, help me as there are many people following that here.i have observed this for too long.it's time to know. may Allah bless me and you with jannat ul fordaus for this effort for the effort of searching and giving knowledge.ameen. jazak allah in advance.please don't ignore this plea!!!
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.
If you mean performing Ruqyah just by mentioning the number of the verse without reciting it, then we are not aware of any evidence about this. The Ruqyah should be performed by reciting the Quran, supplicating, and reciting the legislated mention of Allah.
It is not an obligation for a person who performs Ruqyah on someone else to be aware of the place of magic and the like; rather, it is sufficient for him to perform the legislated Ruqyah and supplicate Allah to invalidate the magic, and if Allah wishes, He will invalidate it and no effect will remain of it.
If it is possible to know the place of magic and remove it [magic], then this is better because this is more effective in removing the evil of magic, as it happened with the story of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) when Lubayd ibn Al-A’sam worked out a magic spell on him.
Among the means by which one might know the place of magic is by supplicating. Thanks to supplicating, Allah may enable some people to see a dream about the place of magic. Sometimes, the person who performs Ruqyah may know this by making the jinn by whom the person is possessed speak, and the like.
As regards the claim that a force comes out from the belly of the person who performs Ruqyah and when he recites the verses it has an effect on the sick person, then this is similar to the claim of magicians, and the same thing applies to the act which you mentioned in the question.
The fact that they recite some Quranic verses may be a way of deceiving the general public and it is most likely that they add some terms to the recitation without the people taking notice of it.
Therefore, one should be careful from asking someone who is not known to have a correct creed and a good conduct to perform Ruqyah on him.
Allah Knows best.
Fatwa answered by:The Fatwa Center at Islamweb
