There are 21 articles

  • Islam and the Practice of Physical Punishment

    As you know, Islam is the religion of truth and moderation with neither exaggeration nor negligence. Therefore, Islam does not prevent beating completely or consider it insignificant in upbringing. Rather, sometimes the human soul needs this method, particularly when other methods are ineffective. On the other hand, Islam considers the psychological.. More

  • Education of women in Islam - II

    Since women have this great impact on raising children inside or outside her family, they must be properly qualified so as to be a righteous, good example. This can only be done through teaching women how to become righteous educators to bring up children in a good, Islamic way and make use of their gentle sentiment to fill their hearts and souls with.. More

  • Muslim women and the Western agenda

    Why does the West pay such great attention to the Arab woman's issues? Why is the United Nations so eager to put the Muslim family at the top of its agenda? Do the issues, that are discussed by documents in women’s conferences, actually reflect the priorities of Muslim women? It is not a secret Speaking about the danger of the woman's status.. More

  • Education of women in Islam - I

    Some prejudiced and ignorant people claim that Islam does not encourage women to be educated and that it prefers women to be ignorant or close to it. This is a biased, unfounded allegation against Islam. Indeed, there is no religion or doctrine on earth that encourages man to seek knowledge as much as Islam. Islam strongly encourages humans, both men.. More

  • The West accuses Islam of oppressing women

    In Islam, women have been given a high status which no past nation ever achieved and which no subsequent nation has been able to attain, because the honor that Islam gives to humanity, includes men and women equally. They are equal before the rulings of Allah in this world and they will be equal with regard to His reward and punishment in the Hereafter... More

  • Islam and wife beating

    In the event of a family dispute, the Quran exhorts the husband to treat his wife kindly and not overlook her positive aspects [Quran 4:19]. If the problem relates to the wife's behavior, her husband may exhort her and appeal for reason. In most cases, this measure is likely to be sufficient. In cases where the problem continues, the husband may express.. More

Hajj virtues