There are 28 articles

  • Your Time During Ramadan

    Time is the essence of life, and man’s life is but the seconds and minutes he/she lives. Every hour we live through in this life takes us that much closer to our destiny in the Hereafter. Even though time is the most precious item in our lives (or at least it should be) and we should be guarding it with all the power we possess, it seems to be.. More

  • Religious Wisdom - II

    Rules Pertaining to Religious Wisdom 1- Religious wisdom is either obligatory or recommended to use. When this term is mentioned, many people think it refers to details of religious wisdom and avoiding doubtful matters. Therefore, they think that religious wisdom is not an obligation and that it is specifically for people who have been selected and.. More

  • Religious Wisdom - I

    All praise is due to Allah The Almighty; we praise Him, ask His help and forgiveness and repent to Him. We seek refuge with Allah The Almighty from the evil of our souls and the consequences of our evil deeds. No one can mislead a person whom Allah The Almighty guides, and no one can rightly guide a person whom Allah The Almighty misguides. I testify.. More

  • Steadfast Love of Allah - II

    The Real Life is that of the Lovers of Allah The Almighty It is true that there is no real life except that of those whose eyes are comfortable with their Beloved. Their souls find rest with Him, and their hearts are reassured with Him. They enjoy being close to Him and are delighted with His love. Indeed, there is a need in the heart that is not satisfied.. More

  • Steadfast Love of Allah - I

    Love of Allah The Almighty is a degree for which people compete and which worshippers aspire to; forerunners hurried to realize it and lovers devote themselves to it, and worshippers are pleasantly relieved by its breeze. Love of Allah nourishes hearts and souls, and delights the eyes. It is life, a light, a cure, and a delight! If a person is deprived.. More

  • Attending the 'Eed Prayers

    Islam has honored women and made her equal with men with regards to obligatory acts of worship. One example that manifests this equality, is that women are encouraged (as are men) to attend public gatherings on ‘Eed Al-Fitr and ‘Eed Al-Adh-ha, so that they may take part in these blessed occasions. This is demonstrated in a number of.. More

  • An Urgent Message to My Muslim Sisters in Ramadan

    Women and Taraaweeh Prayer: Ramadan is distinguished over other months by the Taraaweeh prayer. Praise be to Allah The Almighty, many women and girls are keen to perform Taraaweeh prayer in the mosques. However, dear sister, if you want to have your full reward, you should observe the following points and advise your daughters and sisters to observe.. More

  • The obligation of giving Zakah of jewelry - II

    If someone says, "What is the answer to the Hadeeth (narration) on which those who do not oblige Zakah (purifying alms) on jewelry base their argument?" The Hadeeth was narrated by Ibn Al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy upon him, on the authority of ‘Aafiyah ibn Ayyoob, from Al-Layth ibn Sa‘d, from Az-Zubayr, from Jaabir, may Allah.. More

  • The obligation of giving Zakah of jewelry - I

    Both the Quran and Sunnah (tradition) clearly indicate the obligation of Zakah (purifying alms) on women's gold and silver jewelry even if it is kept for the purpose of wearing or lending. This includes necklaces, bracelets, rings or any gold or silverware when they reach the Nisaab (minimum taxable amount) every Hijri year, or when the owner has gold,.. More

  • Balancing cooking & worship in Ramadan

    The blessed month of Ramadan is fast approaching and many of us are busy making preparations to make this a special time for our families. Ramadan is a time for voluntary acts of worship, sharing with those who are less fortunate, and reflecting on the message that Allah has given to us. Overall, the goal of this month is to develop ourselves spiritually.. More

  • An Urgent Message to My Muslim Sisters in Ramadan

    Dear Muslim sisters everywhere, I wish all goodness for every Muslim woman on earth, and I ask Allah The Almighty to make you and us all to witness the month of Ramadan, accept our acts of obedience in it, and assist us during it. I am writing this especially for you, my sister, and wish to highlight some thoughts and ideas within it that could be.. More

  • Prayer

    It is no surprise that the true Muslim woman enthusiastically worships her Lord, because she knows that she is obliged to observe all the commandments that Allah has enjoined upon every Muslim, male or female. So she carries out her Islamic duties properly, without making excuses or compromises, or being negligent. Her Five Daily Prayers She offers.. More

  • Praying Her optional Prayers

    The Muslim women does not limit herself to the five daily obligatory prayers; she also prays those Sunnah prayers which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to perform regularly, and also prays as many of the supererogatory prayers as her time and energy allow. These prayers include Adh-Dhuha (midday) prayer, and optional prayers.. More

Hajj virtues