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  • 16 Killed in On-going Violence in Algeria

    ALGIERS, (Islamweb & Agencies) -Sixteen people were murdered by an armed group overnight near Khemis Miliana, 120 kilometers (85 miles) west of Algiers, security services announced. More than 110 people have been killed by suspected so-called militant Islamists across the country since the beginning of June, according to a toll compiled by authorities.. More

  • US and Britain Bomb Southern Iraq

    BAGHDAD (Islamweb and Agencies) - Iraq said U.S. and British planesattacked targets in the south of the country on Saturday, but no casualties were reported. ``At 8:50 a.m. on Saturday U.S. and British warplanes carried out 20 sorties from Saudi Arabia and 27 sorties from Kuwait...over the provinces of Basra, Dhiqar, Qadissiya, Muthanna, Najaf and Meisan,''.. More

  • Warning of Mideast Explosion

    JERUSALEM, (Islamweb & Agencies) -Another Palestinian child was added to the Middle the Palestinians martyrstally Saturday, while the Palestinians warned of potential catastrophe if Israel does not act urgently to help bring an international peace plan to fruition. (Read photo caption below). An 11-year-old Palestinian was shot in the head by Israeli.. More

  • Socialists claim victory in Albanian election

    TIRANA, (Islamweb & Agencies) -Albania's ruling Socialist Party (PS) said late Sunday that it had won 37 out of 44 seats in the second round of parliamentary elections in the Balkan country, considered a crucial test for democracy and stability here. Prime Minister Ilir Meta's PS had held a comfortable lead over an opposition coalition led by former.. More

  • Russian Troops Accused of Abuses in Chechnya

    ALLEROI, Russia (Islamweb & Agencies) - As villagers cried more abuses at the hands of Russian invasion authorities, a top Russian minister pledged Sunday that his invadingl troops would be held responsible if they commit crimes in the Chechnya war. Alexander Blokhin, minister for nationalities and migration policy, was addressing an assembly of Russian.. More

  • Egypt Wants Sudan Peace Plan Implemented

    KHARTOUM, (Islamweb & Agencies) -Egypt on Sunday urged the Sudanese government and opposition to start work toward ending a bloody 18-year civil war now that they have agreed to an Egyptian-Libyan peace plan. In a joint statement released at the end of a two-day visit here by Egyptian Prime Minister Atef Ebeid, Egypt and Sudan together stressed the.. More

  • West Assess Iraq's Growing Ballistic Abilities

    KUWAIT (Islamweb & Agencies) - Western forces are studying Iraq's use of ballistic missile technology to test-fire surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) last week, a senior Western defense source said on Sunday.``No one is naive, and with United Nations inspectors absent from Iraq for almost three years, Iraq is getting more and more dangerous. This latest.. More

  • Hamas Threatens a New Revenge Bombing Campaign

    RAFAH, Gaza Strip(Islamweb & Agencies) - The Palestinian Islamic Resistance group Hamas threatened to unleash a news bombing campaign against Israel in revenge for the killing of an 11-year-old Palestinian boy who was buried in the Gaza Strip on Sunday. (Read photo caption below). ``There are 10 martyrs waiting inside Israel. They are ready at any moment.. More

  • Macedonian ceasefire appears to be holding

    SKOPJE, (Islamweb & Agencies) -An uneasy calm returned to Macedonia Friday as both ethnic Albanian fighters and the Slav-dominated Macedonian forces appeared to be respecting a NATO-brokered ceasefire aimed at ending a five-month uprising. The ceasefire came into effect at midnight (2200 GMT) Thursday, but firing raged well beyond the deadline, the.. More

  • OAU Ministers Meet in Zambia

    LUSAKA, (Islamweb & Agencies) -African ministers of foreign affairs Friday went behind closed doors to discuss major conflicts that have dogged the continent as they met for a second day of their preparatory talks for next week's Organisation of African Unity (OAU) summit. At least 20 of the 53 OAU countries are currently beset by armed conflicts of.. More

  • Hundreds Killed in Nigerian Unrest

    LAGOS, (Islamweb & Agencies) -Outbursts of violence in central and northern Nigeria which have left hundreds dead in recent weeks highlight the fragile state of Africa's most populous country, analysts said Friday. With a population of more than 121.8 million, the crowded country is one of the most ethnically diverse on earth with more than 250 indigenous.. More

  • Algeria: 10 Killed, Senator Abducted

    ALGIERS, (Islamweb & Agencies) -An armed group killed 10 people overnight in Ouzera in the Medea region, 80 kilometres (50 miles) south of the Algerian capital, security officials said Friday. The Medea region is in an area which was known as the "triangle of death" because of deadly attacks in the mid-199Os blamed on Islamic groups at the height of.. More

  • US, EU & Russian Mideast Envoys Meet in Beirut

    BEIRUT, (Islamweb & Agencies) -Middle East envoys from the United States, Europe and Russia have met for consultations, Russian envoy Andrei Vdovin said here Friday. The head of the Middle East department of the Russian foreign ministry said he met Thursday with US Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East, William Burns, and the European Union's.. More

  • Ceasefire Exists in Name Only

    JERUSALEM (Islamweb & Agencies) - An Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire appeared to exist in name only as Intifadha confrontations in the West Bank and Gaza spilled into Saturday in the absence of agreement over how to tackle the situation. (Read photo caption below). At the same time,Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon returned home on Friday from a lightning.. More

  • Iraq to Resume Oil Exports

    UNITED NATIONS (Islamweb & Agencies) - Iraq will resume oil exports after a month-long halt and has accepted the terms of a new Security Council resolution extending the U.N. oil-for-food program, Iraq's U.N. ambassador said Thursday. (Read photo caption below). But hours after Mohammed al-Douri said that ``everything will be normalized,'' Iraq had.. More

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